Power BI Reports for Microsoft Intune Third-Party Update and Application Deployments Our Power BI dashboards can be used to monitor the compliance and deployment of third-party updates and applications in Microsoft Intune. Step 1: Download the Latest Power BI Template...
Verification of file signature failed for file during update publishing This article covers a common error “Verification of file signature failed for file:” that can occur when publishing a new update or revising a third-party software update in WSUS....
Failed to sign package; error was: 2148204810 In this article, we will be reviewing an error that can occur when trying to publish third-party software updates to WSUS. Topics covered in this article: Determine if You are Affected Check if the WSUS Signing Certificate...
An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: failed to create cab; error was: 2147942512 In this article, we’re going to review a common error code that can occur when the drive the WSUSContent folder is located on has no more free space available....
An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: There is not enough space on the disk. In this article, we’re going to review a common error code that can occur when the drive the WSUSContent folder is located on has no more free space available. Determine...
An error occurred while converting the provided Proxy URL to a URI In this article, we will discuss a bug introduced in version of the Patch My PC Publisher. In version, changes were made to parse the provided proxy URL in the Publisher. Below you will...