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Integrate Third-Party Patch Management in Microsoft ConfigMgr and Intune

MEM Patching Optimizer Overview

MEM Patching Optimizer is a free, easy-to-use tool from Patch My PC that helps analyze your WSUS & ConfigMgr environment for known issues and provides recommended best practices.

Ensuring your environment is performing optimally is a key component of keeping your devices up to date, however, it isn’t always an easy thing to maintain. That’s where the MEM Patching Optimizer can help!

When you open the MEM Patching Optimizer, it will run various tests against WSUS and SUSDB and display the results of those tests as follows

  •  – Failed Tests 
  •  – Passed Tests 
  • – Warnings
  • – Not Applicable

Within the results displayed you will see the current configuration compared with the recommended configuration, as well as a link to a relevant KB article detailing the recommendations.

MEM Patching Optimizer Features

  • Test SUSDB Response Time
  • Check that nclLocalizedPropertyID & nclSupercededUpdateID Indexes exist in SUSDB
  • Validate that all WSUSContent paths exist & match
  • Validate that WSUSContent and UpdateServicesPackages folders have the correct permissions
  • Checks the WSUS App Pool in IIS is running
  • Check WSUS Administration site for the following
    • Queue length matches the Microsoft recommendation
    • Idle timeout matches the Microsoft recommendation
    • Private memory limit matches the Microsoft recommendation
    • Regular time interval matches the Microsoft recommendation
    • App pool identity matches the Microsoft recommendation
  • Checks that the number of superseded & undeclined updates are within recommended limits
  • Validate that the IIS WSUSContent directory has the correct authentication configured
  • Checks local WSUS version against the Microsoft supportability matrix
  • Checks ConfigMgr version against the Microsoft supportability matrix
  • Tests connectivity to Patch My PC required and option URLs
  • Run specific tests and save your config
  • Auto updater to ensure MEM Patching Optimizer is always up to date.
  • Export test results to CSV
  • Verbose log file


Patch My PC Home Updater Common Questions   MEM Patching Optimizer Common Questions
What are the System Requirements and Limitations?
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
  • Installed on top level WSUS Server
  • Supported Operating Systems
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012r2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) installed and configured
  • IIS Web Administration tools installed


  • Currently only queries the local WSUS server
Install Documentation

The most up to date documentation can be found here – MEM Patching Optimizer – Getting Started (

Requesting New Tests & Reporting Issues

Any new tests can be requested here – Request a new test

Any errors or issues can be reported here – Open an issue or email [email protected]