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How to Share Large Files with Patch My PC for Support Cases

There may be some cases when working with our support team where you may need to share large files with us for troubleshooting.

A few examples are:

  • Package source files for ConfigMgr applications
  • Installer binaries
  • Multiple large log files that are larger than 20 MB that can’t be sent via email

Topics covered in this article:

Step 1: Prepare the Files that will be Uploaded

The first step is to prepare the files you are sending. We recommend compressing the files into a single .zip archive file before uploading.

Compress Files into a Single ZIP File for Support Upload

We also recommend renaming the .zip file with a descriptive name, including your company name. Here’s an example:

Rename ZIP File with Descriptive Name

Step 2: Upload the ZIP-File to Sharepoint

Next, you will need to upload the .zip file created in step 1 to our Sharepoint website.

Navigate to: in a web browser.

Choose Select files

Select files to upload for support team

In the file browse dialog, select the file(s) you need to upload for support.

File Browse Dialog for Upload

Next, you need to enter your first and last name. Optionally, you can also select the + Add more files link it applicable to include more files. Once filled out, click Upload.

File Browse Dialog for Upload

Once the upload is completed, the support engineer working on your case will be notified.

Upload files for support to Sharepoint

Upload Application Source Files for Troubleshooting

There may be some cases where our support team may request application source files for an SCCM application created by Patch My PC. To upload application source files, ZIP the primary folder referenced in the deployment type Content tab. You can then upload the files using the previous step.

Steps to ZIP a SCCM Application Package

Security Details for File Storage

If you are interested in the security around the file upload and storage, please review the following resources.