How Publishing Alerts Work in Patch My PC’s Publisher An important factor of third-party patching is staying informed as new updates publish in real-time. Our alerts feature allows you to be notified via the following methods: Email Microsoft Teams webhook...
One of our most common questions is the criteria used when adding new products to our catalog or building new features. In this article, I want to review the process myself (Justin Chalfant, Founder) and our engineering team use when...
Patch My PC Cost Justification and Return on Investment (ROI) A key part of every company is to reduce overall expenses and increase efficiencies where possible. This article will cover some of the benefits and cost justifications provided by Patch My PC’s...
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. The error “The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.” can happen during any download HTTP request. This error generally will correspond to firewalls, proxies or DNS...
When and How to Republish Patch My PC Third-Party Applications & Updates In this article, the topic of republishing updates in Patch My PC will be explained in detail. At a high level, we will discuss the following topics in this article: What is Republishing...
How to Remove Third-Party Updates from WSUS and SCCM To remove a third-party update from WSUS, you can either decline or delete the update completely. We will review how to delete or decline third-party updates in this article. Topics covered in this article: Option...