Patch My PC Publisher Releases

This release contains a variety of features, improvements, and fixes, as noted below.

This update will be made available via the self-update channel over the coming days. You can upgrade in place now by downloading the latest MSI installer.


  • ConfigMgr right-click option to set OS type requirement – client vs. server
  • Intune Scoping Support
    • There is a new right-click option for Intune applications and updates which lets you ‘Manage scope tags.’
    • Scope tags will be copied from the previous PMPC application or update to the new version during Publisher sync.
    • Requires new permission to be added to the Azure App Registration
      • DeviceManagementRBAC.Read.All
    • Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1029
  • Change description text and icon for Intune Win32 applications
  • Retain N-X apps in ConfigMgr when set to ‘Create a new application…’ is enabled.
  • Retain N-X apps in ConfigMgr when set to ‘Update existing application…’ is enabled.


  • Scriptrunner will now automatically prompt for elevation when executed.
  • Improve how settings are saved to prevent losing your Publisher configuration in some scenarios such as no disk space.
  • The UI Notification feature for conflicting processes will now exit with an exit code 1602 if the installation is snoozed or a timeout occurs. Previously it was 1618 which could cause very frequent reevaluation.
  • Wait to delete local content repository files until the end of the Publisher sync if the option to ‘Delete the update file in the local repository after publishing’ is selected.
    • In some cases, customers had the same binary needed for two different publish actions, and the second publish would fail because the binary had been deleted.
  • In the DownloadHistory.csv file, we now include the purpose of the download and the port.
  • The scan wizard found application count is now updated to reflect applications found with the specified filter.
  • Scriptrunner will now clean up leftover ‘Image File Execution Options’ registry keys. This helps prevent unexpected blocking of application launch in the event scriptrunner crashes and leaves behind some of these keys. We have also update the Manage Conflicting Processes docs to provide additional information for this scenario.
  • Updated the ConfigMgr detection script to cast the DisplayVersion to a string before trimming in the event a vendor has created DisplayVersion as a DWORD and not a REG_SZ
    • Script Version: 2.9
  • The ‘Purpose’ field will now be cleared in the Intune App Manager when all assignments are removed.


  • Fixed a bug where we may fail to parse a package.xml file that contains special characters such as an ampersand.
  • Fixed a bug where the DownloadUrl and MoreInfoUrl columns were not sortable in the ‘Show Package Info’ UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the UI may crash if there is a large number of Azure AD Groups being retrieved and the UI is closed before the query completes.
  • Fixed a  bug where some right-click options such as Manage Categories, Manage ESP profiles and Manage Naming Convention may not propagate from the root, or vendor level to a newly enabled product.
  • Fixed a bug where assignments may not be added to an existing Intune Win32 application during Publisher sync.
  • Fixed a bug where the Publisher UI would crash if the ‘Modify Updates Wizard’ was launched on a computer that does not have the WSUS role.
  • Fixed a bug where only the first 1000 Intune applications are returned which can cause Application lookup failures via Microsoft Graph.
Published On April 06, 2021