Patch My PC Publisher – Unable to connect to WSUS When starting the Patch My PC Publisher, you get an error message stating that it is “Unable to Connect to WSUS”. This issue usually appears due to a WSUS misconfiguration, and the cause might vary. The most...
Multitenancy for the Intune with the Patch My PC Publisher The Patch My PC Publisher has the ability to manage third party patching for multiple Intune tenants. This is commonly referred to as ‘multitenancy’. This article will document all the features...
1Password was unable to complete installation and will roll back any changes. The installation of 1Password fails, and when running manually, the error message “1password was unable to complete installation and will roll back any change” appears. Topics covered in...
How to generate a code signing certificate and sign PowerShell .ps1 script This guide will show you how to issue a code signing certificate from your internal Certificate Authority, and how to use it to sign your code. Topics covered in this article: Trying to sign...
Patch My PC Publisher Logging Options The Logging Options section of the publisher is where you can access helpful logs to view for more detailed information. The topics covered in this article are below: Collect Logs Open PatchMyPC.log Open wsyncmgr.log Logging Level...
Intune Pricing and New Advanced Intune Features in Enterprise Plus Since we added Intune integration a couple of years ago, we have continued to invest in innovation, bringing more and more functionality to those who use our product to deploy and patch applications...