View Applicability Rules and Troubleshoot Detection States for Third-Party Updates Viewing the applicability rules of a third-party update can help determine why an update does not appear in software center or install within SCCM. This article looks at how the update...
How to Clean Up Third-Party Updates from the WSUS UpdateServicesPackages Folder This article and video will describe the steps required to clean up obsolete/declined updates from the WSUS Database and how to properly remove the content folders for these updates from...
How to Deploy the WSUS Signing Certificate for Third-Party Software Updates Deploying the WSUS Signing Certificate to devices is a requirement for devices to trust and install third-party software updates from standalone WSUS or a Configuration Manager environment. If...
How to Move the WSUS Content Folder to a New Location The WSUSContent folder is where WSUS stores information regarding Microsoft software update EULA’s, third-party software update content, and Microsoft update content when using WSUS standalone without SCCM....
Update Publishing Fails When Proxy is in Use, and Timestamping is Enabled The most common publishing failure we see is related to proxies and timestamping. We will be reviewing in detail why this scenario can cause issues and how to fix it! Topics covered in this...
Failed to set Subscriptions on the WSUS Server. Error:(-2147467259)Unspecified error In this video KB article, we will be reviewing an issue that can happen when a third-party vendor has been removed from the WSUS products list, but the product is still enabled in the...