PowerShell has, for many admins, become an indispensable tool. Its versatility, and, dare I say, “power”, have made it a go-to tool for a wide range of tasks around Windows management. Over the course of the past year, PowerShell’s adoption has...
Patch lovers everywhere should mark their calendars for a time of mourning on Jan 31, 2024. This will be the day that our dearly beloved System Center Update Publisher, or SCUP as his friends called him, will transition to the great beyond. Some of you might be...
What is WSUS and why does it matter? WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) allows IT Administrators to easily deploy updates for Microsoft products to devices in their environment. Admins are provided a console, through which they can choose which updates to approve...
Somewhere in the world right now, a person is gaining internet access for the first time. To most of these new users the internet is a place for social media, education, and entertainment. To others, it is a way to make money, and some of the methods they use to gain...
At Patch My PC, we prefer not to talk about our competitors a whole lot. Not because we fear comparisons but because we have values that we earnestly try to live by. It is no coincidence that our first value is We are Humble and the second...
Are you a sysadmin looking for a better solution for managing your organization’s Windows Updates and M365 apps? Are you finally looking to embrace more cloud technologies to better service remote clients and ensure your updates are vetted and deployed across...