This release contains a variety of features, improvements, and fixes, as noted below.
This will be made available via the self-update channel over the next two weeks. You can upgrade in place now by downloading the latest MSI installer.
- ConfigMgr and Intune scan wizard allow drilling into list of devices where the software was detected.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2042
- Ability to enforce timestamping, making it a terminating error for the publishing of a product
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2112
- Intune package extraction
- It is now an option to store the encryption keys used to create the Intune package files (.intunewin). This is configurable in the Advanced tab of the Publisher.
- With the keys stored, you can use the Intune Application Manager to download and extract the content of the Patch My PC published Intune applications and updates.
- Webhooks can now be granularly scoped based on several criteria listed below. (Requires Enterprise+)
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1871
- Webhook Provider:
- Slack or Teams is now selectable per webhook allowing the customer to send notifications to both based on their needs.
- Notification Level:
- All
- Error
- Success
- Notification type:
- Update notifications
- ConfigMgr app notifications
- Intune app notifications
- Intune updates notifications
- Alert notifications
- Low disk space, certificate expirations, license expirations etc.
- Specific product
- Scope a webhook to a specific product, such as notifying the network team of VPN application updates being published.
- Specific tenants
- If using multi-tenancy, you can specify the tenant a webhook is scoped to.
- Allow variables to be used to customize the ConfigMgr application name and localized application name. This provides parity with the Intune feature for customized names. The variables available are below.
- %VendorName%
- %ProductName%
- %Version%
- %OriginalName%
- ConfigMgr application retention now has the option to remove Administrative Categories from retained ConfigMgr applications.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2181
- ConfigMgr security scopes now have the option to enforce the selected scopes. The Publisher will remove all non-selected scopes from the application when Publisher.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2328
- Allow any product to have Manage Conflicting Processes configured
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1699
- Allow the same Azure group to be assigned multiple times for Intune assignments. This allows a group to be used as both an include, and an exclude.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2322
- Pass variables into pre and post-scripts.
- Note: the %ProductName% and %VendorName% variables are Base64 encoded when they are passed to the pre and post-scripts. It will need to be decoded. Patch My PC will provide a sample PowerShell snippet to decode the resulting parameter.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1348
- Extract content from ConfigMgr applications.
- Extract content from WSUS updates.
- Azure app registration secret or certificate expiration is now shown in the Intune Options form.
- Alerts are now sent via email and webhook when secret or certificate expiration is near.
- When exceptions are thrown in the Manage Assignments form, they are now handled better by presenting a popup with the exception and a link to related documentation.
- Main form accessibility has been improved.
- Accessibility names are assigned to many controls to provide context
- Alt-codes are added to most buttons that did not have them before
- Right-click options are now accessible via the Apps keyboard button or shift-F10
- When a default Patch My PC provided translation exists for a language selected in Manage Conflicting Processes it will now automatically populate the text upon adding the language.
- Intune synchronizations will now happen in parallel for multi-tenancy. Up to 20 tenants synchronize at a time for this build.
- Improve the speed of uploading packages to Intune.
- Refactor email report template.
- The background is now transparent so that it will match the theme of the email client it is opened in.
- The code used to generate the template has been refactored to simplify future changes.
- PatchMyPC-Scriptrunner will now factor in the major version filter when available when searching for uninstall strings. This improves the accuracy of uninstalls in some cases.
- Added tooltips to some right-click options that describe why they are disabled in some cases.
- Improved the error handling within the Intune Assignments forms regarding permissions for managing Assignment Filters.
- Format the dates using ISO 8601 formatting when doing the Intune App export for PowerBI reporting. This improves international support.
- Improved the accessibility of the WSUS Options form.
- Improve error messaging and logging for unhandled exceptions.
- Improved child-form handling in some cases, so they now open in the center of the parent form.
- Multi-selection views, such as selecting application scopes or categories, now use a consistent form that allows filtering.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Paused products section in the email alert to be empty.
- Fixed a bug where we would not put back the version on retained applications if the configuration was set to remove the version from application names and update existing application metadata.
- Fixed a bug in the Intune application manager tool that caused an unhandled exception if you attempted to edit an assignment with a deadline in the past.
- Fixed a bug where the settings backups were stored in a non-sortable format. This bug was introduced in preview and would only impact customers who opted into preview.
- Fixed a bug where the filters were not applied in the scan wizards when filtering the data. This bug was introduced in preview and would only impact customers who opted into preview.
- Fixed a bug where the ConfigMgr database scan may throw an exception due to a malformed query. This bug was introduced in preview and would only impact customers who opted into preview.
- Fixed a bug where the logging option to copy failed logs to a share was not retained. This bug was introduced in preview and would only impact customers who opted into preview.
- Fixed a bug where failing to copy additional files did not cause an Intune product to fail to publish.
- Fixed a bug where localization files for Manage Conflicting Processes may not be copied correctly in some cases.
- Fixed a bug where the WSUS Options window was not scrollable.
- Fixed several UI navigation bugs on the main form.
- Adjusted encoding of detection and requirement scripts to use UTF8. Some scripts were failing to sign with the previous encoding.
- Fixed a bug where the Manage Conflicting Process Organization Name was not retained when republishing a ConfigMgr application.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong URL was used for Microsoft Graph batch requests in some cases.
- Fixed a bug where the buttons in Managed Conflicting Process may not fit the text in some translations.
- Fixed a bug where the ConfigMgr app options window is not resizable.
- Fixed a bug where the Manage Conflicting Process Organization Name would not be set when a ConfigMgr application was revised.
- Fixed a bug where settings could not be saved if the internet was unreachable.
- Fix some typos 🙂