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Integrate Third-Party Patch Management in Microsoft ConfigMgr and Intune

Java Wrapper Script Version 6.1

UPDATE: Due to Java Runtime licensing changes in Java 8 Update 211 and beyond,  the Java wrapper information below is no longer supported. Please see our updated guide here for how to automatically remove previous Java runtime installations during the latest...

Notepad++ Wrapper Script (Version 1)

The wrapper script for Notepad++ is no longer supported. You can now perform custom actions directly using our publishing service, and we no longer need to directly modify the Notepad++ installer with a wrapper script to perform these actions. Please...

Greenshot Wrapper Script Version 1

We are releasing a wrapper script to perform the installation of Greenshot. This starts with the update “Greenshot V2” and any future Greenshot update. This is to address and issue where if the Greenshot installer runs while the greenshot.exe...

Java Wrapper Script Version 5

We have received feedback related to only allowing the upgrade of Java runtime environment when Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox are not open. If browsers are open during a Java update, it can cause issues during a Java update in some scenarios. In order...