This release contains a variety of fixes, as noted below. Fixes Revert changes in Scriptrunner for the execution of PowerShell scripts. The scripts will be called using the -File parameter. The changes that improve WDAC support will be re-evaluated for a future...
This release contains a variety of improvements as noted below. Improvements The Win32AppId is now included in the PatchMyPC-PublishingHistory.csv file. Improved the handling of signed scripts when publishing. Sometimes, the Publisher would fail to replace a file and...
This release contains a variety of improvements, and fixes, as noted below. Improvements Intune Updates will now have the icon for the product associated with them. If the customer does not provide translations for a given language and this language is pre-translated...
This release contains a variety of improvements, and fixes, as noted below. Improvements Add support for passing additional headers when downloading binaries. This is metadata maintained by Patch My PC. Fixes Update Intune detection to account for registry detection...
This release contains a variety of features, improvements, and fixes, as noted below. Features Added support for Microsoft Teams Workflows as a new webhook provider option. With the announced retirement of Office 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams, we now support...
This release contains a variety of features, improvements, and fixes, as noted below. Features Manage return codes Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-556 Improvements Use a temporary staging directory for binary downloads when processing ConfigMgr applications Improved handling of the...