The 12/19/24 catalog release contains bug, feature and security-related updates. New Products: 3D Slicer 5.6.2 (EXE) ISL Baustellenmanager (MSI-x64) Luna Modeler 9.0.0 (EXE-x64) Luna Modeler 9.0.0 (User-x64) Microsoft .NET SDK 6.4.2824.52403 (EXE-x64)...
The 12/18/24 catalog release contains bug, feature and security-related updates. Updates and Base Applications Added: 4K Video Downloader+ (MSI-x64) 4K Video Downloader+ (MSI-x86) Release Notes for 4K Video Downloader+ Release Type:...
The 12/16/24 catalog release contains bug and feature-related updates. Changes: Updated Wind Financial Terminal 24.8.0 (MSI-x86) with new file due to file hash change. Updates and Base Applications Added: Amazon AppStream 2.0 Client 1.1.1403 (User-x64) Release...