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‘authority’ should be in uri format

The error ‘authority’ should be in uri format can occur when you configured an invalid authority URL.

Topics covered in this article:

Determine if You are Affected

If affected, you will see the following error in the PatchMyPC.log file.

‘authority’ should be in Uri format Parameter name: authority [System.ArgumentException]

Resolve Error: authority’ should be in Uri format

This error happens when the URL in the Intune tenant settings is invalid. We often see customers removed the prefix, as shown below:

'authority' should be in Uri format

If you do not know your Intune tenant domain, navigate to the tenant status page in your Intune tenant, and look at the property for Tenant name.

tenant status page in intune tenant

Now, it is time to go to the Patch My PC Publisher and input the Authority, Application ID, and Application Secret into the Intune Options window of the Publisher. It’s important you leave the prefix and only change the part <TenantName>

inputting authoridy, application id, and secret into intune options in publisher

Replace <TenantName> with the Tenant name you found in your Intune tenant’s tenant status page.  Paste the Application ID and Application Secret that was saved from earlier.  Click Test to validate that the Publisher can connect to your Intune tenant if you get a dialog box that says “Successfully connected to Intune”, congratulations!  You can now begin to publish applications to your Intune tenant.