Patch My PC SSRS Deprecation

by | May 1, 2024 | Blog, News

At Patch My PC, we are constantly striving to innovate and provide our customers with the best possible solutions to meet their needs. With this commitment in mind, we want to announce the deprecation of our legacy SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports so we can introduce its successor: Patch Insights!

Why the shift?

While SSRS reports have served us well in the past, they no longer align with the evolving needs of our customers. We feel the level of features, and the investment we can commit to in our Patch Insights implementation, is significantly higher than what we can do for SSRS reports.

Fortunately, our Patch Insights and Advanced Insights tooling represents a leap forward in reporting capabilities, providing users with a comprehensive suite of features designed to unlock deeper insights and drive informed decision-making! From advanced visualization options to customizable dashboards and predictive analytics, Patch and Advanced Insights empower our customers to effortlessly extract maximum value from their data.

Although we have ceased further development on our SSRS reports as of this year, we will continue to provide limited support for these reports until July 1, 2024. This will allow customers ample time to seamlessly migrate to our more robust and powerful Patch Insights or Advanced Insights solutions.

Does this mean you’re charging me for reporting now?

We want to be extremely transparent about pricing around this move. If you are a current customer of any of our current licensing tiers, you will have access to Patch Insights.

This means reports on patch management, a critical component of your patch management story, will continue to be included with your subscription.

To get a glimpse of what Patch My PC’s Patch Insights and Advanced Insights has to offer, we invite you to watch our demo video below. This demo showcases the multiple levels of functionality available within our reporting solutions and demonstrates all the positive reasons why we believe it’s time to say goodbye to SSRS.

What to Expect?

This upgraded reporting tooling is included in your subscription just the same as SSRS, but it will enable you to dig farther into your data and drive informed decision-making in your environment.

Eventually, the “install reports” button in the Publisher will be replaced by a button to drive its Advanced Insights.

During the transition period, our team will be here to help every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to [email protected].

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