Patch My PC Publisher Releases

This release contains a variety of features, improvements, and fixes, as noted below.

More InformationNote: Did I miss 33 preview builds???? No, you did not. Patch My PC has started to increment version numbers automatically as changes are reviewed and merged. The result is preview builds having multiple internal builds before a public preview is released.


  • Allow the same Azure group to be assigned multiple times for Intune assignments. This allows a group to be used as both an include, and an exclude.
  • Pass variables into pre and post-scripts.
    • Note: the %ProductName% and %VendorName% variables are Base64 encoded when they are passed to the pre and post-scripts. It will need to be decoded. Patch My PC will provide a sample PowerShell snippet to decode the resulting parameter.
    • Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1348
  • Extract content from ConfigMgr applications.
  • Extract content from WSUS updates.
  • Allow any app to have ‘conflicting processes’ configured


  • Improved child-form handling in some cases, so they now open in the center of the parent form.
  • Multi-selection views, such as selecting application scopes or categories, now use a consistent form that allows filtering.


  • Fixed a bug where the wrong URL was used for Microsoft Graph batch requests in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug where the buttons in Managed Conflicting Process may not fit the text in some translations.
  • Fixed a bug where the ConfigMgr app options window is not resizable.
  • Fixed a bug where the Manage Conflicting Process Organization Name would not be set when a ConfigMgr application was revised.
  • Fixed a bug where settings could not be saved if the internet was unreachable.
  • Fix some typos 🙂 
Published On September 23, 2022