This release contains a variety of features, improvements, and fixes, as noted below.
- Allow the same Azure group to be assigned multiple times for Intune assignments. This allows a group to be used as both an include, and an exclude.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-2322
- Pass variables into pre and post-scripts.
- Note: the %ProductName% and %VendorName% variables are Base64 encoded when they are passed to the pre and post-scripts. It will need to be decoded. Patch My PC will provide a sample PowerShell snippet to decode the resulting parameter.
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1348
- Extract content from ConfigMgr applications.
- Extract content from WSUS updates.
- Allow any app to have ‘conflicting processes’ configured
- Idea: PATCHMYPC-I-1699
- Improved child-form handling in some cases, so they now open in the center of the parent form.
- Multi-selection views, such as selecting application scopes or categories, now use a consistent form that allows filtering.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong URL was used for Microsoft Graph batch requests in some cases.
- Fixed a bug where the buttons in Managed Conflicting Process may not fit the text in some translations.
- Fixed a bug where the ConfigMgr app options window is not resizable.
- Fixed a bug where the Manage Conflicting Process Organization Name would not be set when a ConfigMgr application was revised.
- Fixed a bug where settings could not be saved if the internet was unreachable.
- Fix some typos 🙂