Catalog Release History

We help you save time, money and improve your IT security

The 02/19/20 catalog release contains bug, feature and security-related updates.

Updates and Base Installs Added:

Updates and Base Installs Superseded:

  • Apache Tomcat 7.0.99
  • Google Chrome 80.0.3987.106 (x64/x86)
  • Microsoft Azure CLI 2.0.81
  • Microsoft .NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle 3.1.1
  • Microsoft .NET Core Runtime 3.1.1 (x64/x86)
  • Microsoft .NET Core SDK 3.1.101 (x64/x86)
  • Microsoft Power BI Desktop 2.76.5678.782 (x64/x86)
  • Node.js 13.8.0 (x64/x86)
  • Node.js 12.16.0 LTS (x64/x86)
  • Royal TS 5.2.60204

Update Type:

  • Feature Release
  • Bug Fix Release =
  • Security Release

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