We help you save time, money and improve your IT security

Integrate Third-Party Patch Management in Microsoft ConfigMgr and Intune

A Comprehensive Guide to Adding Custom Apps to Patch My PC Cloud Webinar

Webinar Summary

Learn how to get more control over your application deployments using Patch My PC’s Custom Apps feature. Our engineers demonstrated practical techniques that enhance the capabilities of native vendor installers—from initial packaging through testing and deployment. Perfect for teams managing proprietary and in-house applications who want to streamline their installation processes and leverage the advanced customization options in the Patch My PC toolset. We also walked through real-world examples of these packaging, testing, and deployment workflows, giving you practical solutions you can implement immediately.

In this technical deep-dive, you’ll learn:

  • How to use helper scripts to identify the correct installation values and parameters
  • Best practices for ARP entry selection, including handling complex scenarios like setup.exe files with embedded MSIs
  • Advanced techniques for version management using wildcards in display names
  • Installation argument optimization and configuration
  • Script integration strategies, including customizing community-based scripts
  • Managing additional content delivery—from PSADT packages to MST and answer files

Watch the Webinar Recording

Webinar Hosts

Ben Whitmore

Ben Whitmore

Patch My PC
Systems Architect
Rudy Ooms

Adam Cook

Patch My PC
Customer Engineer
Dan Gough

Dan Gough

Patch My PC
Software Engineer