Catalog Release History

We help you save time, money and improve your IT security

The 08/09/23 catalog release contains bug, feature, and security-related updates.

Updates and Base Applications Added:

Updates and Base Installs Superseded:

  • AWS Command Line Interface v2 (x64)
  • Dialpad 2307.3.0 (User-x64)
  • Egnyte Desktop
  • Google Drive
  • GraphPad Prism Latest 10.0.1218 (MSI-x64)
  • Microsoft .NET Core Desktop Runtime (EXE-x64) (Base Install Only)
  • Microsoft .NET Core Desktop Runtime (EXE-x64) (Base Install Only)
  • Microsoft .NET Core Hosting Bundle (EXE) (Base Install Only)
  • Microsoft .NET Core Hosting Bundle (EXE) (Base Install Only)
  • Microsoft Analysis Services OLE DB Provider 16.0.5291.0 (MSI-x64)
  • Microsoft Analysis Services OLE DB Provider 16.0.5291.0 (MSI-x86)
  • Nextcloud 3.9.1 (x64)
  • Node.js 16.20.1 LTS (x64)
  • Node.js 16.20.1 LTS (x86)
  • Node.js 18.17.0 LTS (x64)
  • Node.js 18.17.0 LTS (x86)
  • Node.js 20.5.0 (x64)
  • Node.js 20.5.0 (x86)
  • Notepad++ 8.5.4 (x64)
  • Notepad++ 8.5.4 (x86)
  • Smartsheet 1.0.37 (EXE-x64)
  • Smartsheet 1.0.37 (User-x64)
  • Notion 2.0.43 (User-x64)
  • Opera 101.0.4843.33 (x64)
  • Opera 101.0.4843.33 (x86)
  • Paint.NET 5.0.8 (x64)
  • Remote Desktop Manager 2023.2.17.0 (MSI-x64)
  • Signal 6.27.1 (User-x64)
  • Skype 8.100.203
  • Tableau Desktop 21.3.3207 (x64)
  • Tableau Desktop 21.4.3470 (x64)
  • Tableau Desktop 22.1.3523 (x64)
  • Tableau Desktop 22.2.2533 (x64)
  • Tableau Desktop 22.3.2384 (x64)
  • Tableau Desktop 22.4.1732 (x64)
  • Tableau Desktop 23.1.1112 (x64)

Update Type:

  • Feature Release
  • Bug Fix Release =
  • Security Release

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