Catalog Release History

We help you save time, money and improve your IT security

In today’s catalog release, we are happy to announce new migration updates for Java Runtime Environment.

Having SCUP updates to migrate Java 6 to Java 8 and Java 7 to Java 8 has been something many customers have requested!

We released 4 updates in the 8/20/16 catalog update:

Java 7 to Java 8 Migration
These updates will completely uninstall all versions of Java 6 or Java 7 while installing Java 8 update 60.

Update 2/4/16: We have expired the 4 migration updates listed above. We replaced these updates with the two updates shown below.

Java SCUP Migration

Changes in these new migration updates:

  • There is now a single update to migrate Java 6 and Java 7 to Java 8
  • The migration has been updated to install Java 8 Update 71 instead of Java 8 Update 60
  • The update will now detect and uninstall Java 7 Update 80

Note: The /checkforconflicts /kill /keepshortcuts and /dontdisableupdates switches from our Java Wrapper Script can also apply to these migration updates.