Added an option to disable WSUS publishing using a checkbox at the top of the ‘Updates’ tab. This allows the Update publishing feature to be disabled while still retaining all products and settings. This can be helpful if you need to sync only Applications, Intune Applications, or Intune Updates, but don’t want to lose your selected Updates and configurations.
Added a right-click option to open the help page that details the right-click options.
During synchronization, the Publisher will check if the WSUS code signing certificate is expired or near expiration and add a message in the email report.
During synchronization, the Publisher will check if the WSUS code signing certificate is in the required Windows Cert stores and add it if needed.
SMTP port automatically set to 587 when ‘Use TLS’ is selected, and to 25 when ‘Use TLS’ is unselected. The port can still be manually edited to account for any port, but the common port for the protocol is set by default.
Add additional known errors in the log, providing a link to a KB article that may assist with solving the known error.
Display additional info in the Certificate information wizard on whether the certificate is found in the expected Windows Cert stores.
SMTP port default to 25 instead of 587 when the feature is in a non-configured state.
The Publisher will retry several times when the rename of a folder during an SCCM application upgrade fails. This should help prevent ‘Access Denied’ errors that are caused by file locks.
Fixed an issue where, sometimes, the SupportedProducts.xml file cannot be read during a synchronization.
- Fixed an issue where a machine with a large number of CPU cores may experience high CPU load when running the Intune Scan Wizard.