Introducing Proactive Customer Care
Today, we’re excited to announce our new proactive customer care program. Below we will cover what this actually means and why we think this program will benefit our customers.
Topics covered in this article:
What is Proactive Customer Care?
Our proactive customer care program is a way to help ensure our Publishing software is running smoothly and successfully publishing third-party updates and applications to Windows Server Updates Services (WSUS), Configuration Manager, or Microsoft Intune.
If we receive insights that key operations failed, such as publishing a third-party update to WSUS, we want to notify you and ensure things are running smoothly again as soon as possible.
Why We Think It’s Important
From an engineering perspective, our biggest goal is for you to set our software up once, and then it just works. Generally, this works great since everything is fully automated after setup, and day-to-day work is performed using your existing workflows in the Configuration Manager console or Intune portal.
If you enabled the SMTP email feature or Microsoft Teams notifications in our Publisher, as shown below, we would already notify you about any health issues.
Here’s an example email alert you would receive if your WSUSContent is misconfigured.
Our goal with proactive customer care is to send alerts containing key information about errors in your environment, even if you didn’t enable emails using SMTP settings directly in our software.
We don’t want customers to realize there are issues when they notice a new 0-day vulnerability isn’t showing up in their environment.
Proactive Alerts for Optimizing Performance
Starting in July 2021, we will also send alerts for settings that could allow you to optimize various configurations to avoid future problems.
For example, in Configuration Manager 1806, there are new settings for software update maintenance that aren’t enabled by default.
If these settings aren’t enabled, you could receive a proactive email to let you know this could help improve performance and reliability.
How Does Proactive Customer Care Work?
By partnering with our customer base of over 2,000, we have seen trends and recurring issues that lead to a list of knowledge base articles to solve known issues quickly. Last month, we included a new telemetry option to let us know if you receive any error messages during important publishing operations for updates and applications.
If we detect a known issue through error insights, we will send you a direct email containing the information about how to resolve the issue. Here’s an example of what a proactive email would look like:
Free Environment Review and Q&A Session with an Engineer
As part of our proactive customer care program, we have also implemented a new option to schedule a free environment review and Q&A session with an engineer on our team. For more details and booking, check out the details below.
Have Questions or Need a Review for an Existing Installation? Schedule a session 
Have questions? Our engineering team can review your existing setup and answer any questions you may have. If you need help with a brand new installation, please use the free setup session instead.
In the review session, we can cover:
- Review an existing Installation of Patch My PC
- Review customization options available for apps and updates
- Assist with Automatic Deployment Rule creation
- Certificate creation questions
- Certificate deployment questions
- Install compliance reports
- Questions and answers
Book a time to get started.