Catalog Release History

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The 02/16/23 catalog release contains bug, feature, and security-related updates.

Updates and Base Applications Added:

Updates and Base Installs Superseded:

  • Adobe Acrobat Classic Update 20.005.30436
  • Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous Update 22.003.20314 (x64)
  • Adobe Acrobat DC Update 22.003.20314
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader Classic – MUI Update 20.005.30436
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC – MUI Update 22.003.20314 (x64)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC – MUI Update 22.003.20314 (x86)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous Update 22.003.20314 (x64)
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Update 22.003.20314
  • (Base Install Only) Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 22.003.20314
  • (Base Install Only) Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuous 22.003.20314 (x64)
  • (Base Install Only) Adobe Acrobat Reader DC MUI 22.003.20314 (x64)
  • (Base Install Only) Adobe Acrobat Reader DC MUI 22.003.20314 (x86)
  • AWS Command Line Interface v2 (x64)
  • Beats Winlogbeat V8 8.6.1 (MSI-x64)
  • Bitwarden 2023.1.1.0
  • Kdenlive 22.12.1 (EXE-x86)
  • K-Lite Basic Codec Pack 17.4.4
  • K-Lite Full Codec Pack 17.4.4
  • K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 17.4.4
  • K-Lite Standard Codec Pack 17.4.4
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable 14.34.31931.0 (x64)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable 14.34.31931.0 (x86)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird 102.7.2 (x64 en-US)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird 102.7.2 (x86 en-US)
  • NoMachine 8.3.1 (EXE-x64)
  • NoMachine 8.3.1 (EXE-x86)
  • NoMachine Enterprise Client 8.3.1 (EXE-x64)
  • NoMachine Enterprise Client 8.3.1 (EXE-x86)
  • NoMachine Enterprise Desktop 8.3.1 (EXE-x64)
  • NoMachine Enterprise Desktop 8.3.1 (EXE-x86)
  • Postman 10.9.4 (User-x64)
  • Right Click Tools 4.9.2210.3002
  • Signal 6.5.1 (User-x64)
  • SteelSeries GG 31.0.0 (EXE-x64)
  • Vivaldi 5.6.2867.62 (x64)
  • Vivaldi 5.6.2867.62 (x86)

Update Type:

  • Feature Release
  • Bug Fix Release =
  • Security Release

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