Patch My PC – Anti Corruption and Bribery Policy
Last updated: October 11, 2023.
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It is Patch My PC’s policy to conduct its business ethically and expects its employees and suppliers to do business in according to its values.
We have a zero-tolerance approach when it comes to bribery and corruption. We do not, and will not, pay or accept bribes or other improper inducements for any purpose. We expect the same from our customers, business partners, employees, and the third parties that perform services or deliver business on our behalf. Violations of this zero-tolerance approach by any employee of Patch My PC will result in discipline up to and including termination.
Patch My PC pledges the following:
- All forms of bribery and corruption, including facilitation payments, are strictly prohibited.
- Gifts or entertainment must always be proportionate and reasonable, must have a legitimate purpose, and must not create a conflict of interest.
- Employees and third-parties may not make gifts or donations to political parties nor offer gifts or entertainment to candidates on Patch My PC’s behalf.
- Questionable behavior should be challenged, and any suspected improper payments or activities should be reported to management immediately.
Patch My PC employees and suppliers are encouraged to report suspected violations to [email protected].
Patch My PC is committed to driving responsible business practices in our company and supply chain. We expect our suppliers to continuously improve their performance to provide safe workplaces, respect fundamental rights, enable environmental resilience and operate with a high standard of business transparency and ethics.
If you have a Patch My PC policy question or complaint, please email us at: [email protected].