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How Products are Handled at End-Of-Life (EOL) or Become Incompatible

We remove products from our supported products list for a few reasons. The primary reasons for products being removed from our catalog are:

  • The product is End-of-Life (EOL) by the vendor
  • Other compatibility issues related to silent install or versioning

Process and Timeline for Products Reaching End-of-Life

When a product nears it’s official end-of-life date, the following actions will be taken by Patch My PC. Patch My PC will attempt to adhere to the following timeline, assuming we are aware of the scheduled end-of-life of an application.

  •  3 Months Prior to End-of-Life
  • 1 Month Prior to End-of-Life
    • Notification in catalog release notes page and newsletter of EOL and removal of application from the Patch My PC Catalog
  • 1 Week Prior to End-of-Life
    • Notification in catalog release notes page and newsletter of EOL and removal of application from the Patch My PC Catalog
  • Day of End-of-Life
    • Notification in catalog release notes page and newsletter of EOL and removal of application from the Patch My PC Catalog
    • Unsupported application is expired in the Patch My PC Catalog, and can no longer be published
    • Product is made unavailable as a ConfigMgr App, Intune App and Intune Update
      • Product will remain available under “Updates” tab so that the Publisher can expire the Update in WSUS on the next sync
  • 1 Month Post Application End-of-Life
    • Unsupported application is removed from the Patch My PC Catalog

List of Products Removed due to End-of-Life or Compatability Issues

The table below lists products removed from our catalog due to the end-of-life by the vendor.

VendorProductReason for Removal
Acro SoftwareCutePDFSilent Installer Removed
Adobe Systems, Inc.Adobe Acrobat 2015 ClassicEnd of Support 7/7/2020
Adobe Systems, Inc.Adobe Acrobat 2017 ClassicEnd of Support 6/6/2022
Adobe Systems, Inc.Adobe Acrobat Reader 2015 ClassicEnd of Support 7/7/2020
Adobe Systems, Inc.Adobe Acrobat Reader 2017 ClassicEnd of Support 6/6/2022
Adobe Systems, Inc.Adobe AirEnd of Life - December 2020 - End Of Life Page
Adobe Systems, Inc.Adobe Shockwave PlayerEnd of Life - 04/09/2019 - End Of Life Page
Adobe Systems, Inc.Flash PlayerEnd of Life: 12/31/2020
AdoptOpenJDKAdoptOpenJDKTransitioned to New Product - Eclipse Foundation Temurin JDK
AnkiAnki (EXE-x64)Vendor has discontinued the Machine-Wide installer and has moved to user based. Look for Anki (User-x64) in the Catalog
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 10.0End of Life - 01/31/2023
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 6End of Life - 12/31/2016
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 7End of Life - 03/31/2021
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 8.0End of Life - 06/30/2018
Apache Software FoundationApache Tomcat 8.5End of Life
AppleApple iCloud (x64/x86)Packages No longer available for newer versions - Only Windows Store
AppleApple QuicktimeEnd of Life - 04/14/2019
AppleApple SafariEnd of Life - 05/09/2012
Artifex Software Inc.GPL Ghostscript (x64)Vendor removed silent install option, read more
Artifex Software Inc.GPL Ghostscript (x86)Vendor removed silent install option, read more
AtlassianHipChatEnd of Life - 02/19/2019
AutodeskAutodesk Desktop ConnectorInstaller format change - 4/28/2021
AutodeskAutodesk Revit 2023Installer size limitation- 03-2023
Azul Systems IncZulu JRE LatestPackages No longer available for newer versions
BarcoClickShare LauncherInstaller format change
Box, Inc.BoxDrive (x86 Only)Packages No longer available for newer versions
Box, Inc.BoxSync (x86 Only)Packages No longer available for newer versions
Canneverbe LimitedCDBurner XP (x86 and x64)Download no longer secure. SSL Error. 03/30/2023
CitrixCitrix ReceiverEnd of Life - Replaced by Citrix Workspace
Citrix Systems, Inc.Citrix Receiver LTSRReplaced by Citrix Workspace LTSR
Dell Inc.Dell Command UpdateReplaced by Dell Command Update for Windows 10 (Soon to be renamed to Dell Command Update for Windows Universal)
dotPDN LLCPaint.NET (x86 Only)Packages No longer available for newer versions
Emurasoft, Inc.EmEditor (MSI-x64)Product no longer supports SYSTEM based installs
Emurasoft, Inc.EmEditor (MSI-x86)Product no longer supports SYSTEM based installs
ESET, spol. s r .o.ESET Endpoint Security 6End Of Life
Exacq TechnologiesexacqVision Client (EXE-x86)32-bit no longer available -
Exacq TechnologiesexacqVision Client (MSI-x86)32-bit no longer available -
Foolish IT LLCCrypro PreventInstaller Format and Download change
GoogleGoogle PicasaEnd of Life - 10/09/2015
IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.UltraCompare 23 (EXE-x86)32-bit no longer available
IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.UltraCompare 23 (MSI-x86)32-bit no longer available
Ingram Content GroupVitalsource BookshelfPackages No longer available for newer versions - Only Windows Store
Ivo BeltchevClassic ShellEnd of Life - 12/03/2017
Mattermost, Inc.Mattermost Desktop (MSI-x86)32-bit no longer available -
Mendeley Ltd.Mendeley DesktopReplaced by "Mendeley Reference Manager"
Microsoft.Net Core Runtime 2 and 3Last PMPC update - 4/13/2021 - Microsoft Provides Updates via WSUS
Microsoft.Net Core SDK 2 and 3Last PMPC update - 4/13/2021 - Microsoft Provides Updates via WSUS
MicrosoftMicrosoft .NET Runtime and Hosting BundleLast PMPC update - 7/2022 - Microsoft Provides Updates via WSUS and Microsoft Update
MicrosoftMicrosoft ConfigMgr Client ToolkitEnd of Life - 12 July 2022 - EOL Announcement
Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft .NET Core Desktop Runtime 7 (EXE-x64)End of Life -
Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft .NET Core Desktop Runtime 7 (EXE-x86)End of Life -
Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft .NET Core Hosting Bundle 7 (EXE)End of Life -
Nextcloud GmbHNextCloud (x86 Only)Packages No longer available for newer versions
NitroNitro Pro 11 (x64/x86)End of Life (
NitroNitro Pro 12 (x64/x86)End of Life (
NitroNitro Pro Enterprise 11 (x64/x86)End of Life (
NitroNitro Pro Enterprise 12 (x64/x86)End of Life (
Nmap ProjectNmapSilent Installer Removed, only available in OEM binaries now.
Node.js FoundationNode.js (MSI-x64)Replaced with Node.js 20 LTS and Node.js Latest
Node.js FoundationNode.js 10 LTSEnd of Life - 30 Apr 2021
Node.js FoundationNode.js 12 LTSEnd of Life - 30 Apr 2022
Node.js FoundationNode.js(MSI-x86)Replaced with Node.js 20 LTS and Node.js Latest
Node.js FoundationNote.js 14 LTSEnd of Life - 20 Mar 2024
Node.js FoundationNote.js 16 LTSEnd of Life - 20 Mar 2024
Node.js Foundationnode.js 21End of Life
OracleJava 7End of Life - Extended support ended July 2022 - End of Life Page
OracleVirtualbox 5End of Life - Replaced by VirtualBox 6
PDFForgePDFCreatorSilent Installer Removed
Phillip BeauvoirArchi (x86)32-bit installer no longer provided - 8/5/2019
Pitney BowesMapInfo Pro (x86)End of Life
Pitney BowesMapInfo Pro 15 (x64)End of Life
Pitney BowesMapInfo Pro 16 (x64)End of Life
PKWARE, Inc.PKZip 14.50.0010 (x64)End of Life (
PKWARE, Inc.PKZip 14.50.0010 (x86)End of Life (
PlexPlex Media Player (x64)End of Life
Python Software FoudnationPython 3.10End Of Life. Windows installers no longer available.
Python Software FoudnationPython 3.9End Of Life. Windows installers no longer available.
Python Software FoundationPython 3.7End Of Life. Windows installers no longer available.
Python Software FoundationPython 3.8End Of Life. Windows installers no longer available.
RealNetworksRealPlayerPackages No longer available for newer versions:
RealVNCVNC EnterpriseEnd of Life - Replaced by VNC Connect
RingCentralRingCentral MeetingsReplace by RingCentral
RISA Tech, IncRisa-3D 18 + 19Packages No longer available for newer versions
RISA Tech, IncRisaConnection 11 + 12Packages No longer available for newer versions
SlackSlack Machine-Wide (x86)Retired -
Squirrels LLCAirsquirrels Reflector Teacher (x86/x64)Replaced by Reflector 4 - 6/3/2022
Sublime HQSublime TextNo Version information in Registry
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2020.4End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2021.1End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2021.2End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2021.3End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2021.4End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2022.1End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Desktop 2022.2End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Prep Builder 2021.4End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Prep Builder 2022.1End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Prep Builder 2022.2End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
Tableau SoftwareTableau Reader 2021.4End of Life - Downloads no longer available.
TechsmithCamtasia 18End of Life (
TechsmithCamtasia 19End of Life (
TechsmithSnagit 18 (x64/x86)End of Life (
TechsmithSnagit 19 (x64/x86)End of Life (
Telerik Inc.Progress TestStudio Ultimate 2018End Of Life
Telerik Inc.Progress TestStudio Ultimate 2019End Of Life
The Wireshark developer communityWireshark (EXE-x86)32-bit no longer available
The Wireshark developer communityWireshark (MSI-x86)32-bit no longer available
Toshiba CorporationOCZ SSD UtilityEnd of Life (Product No longer Exists)
Trimble Inc.SketchUp Make 2016 (x64/x86)End of Life (
Trimble Inc.SketchUp Make 2017End of Life (
Trimble Inc.SketchUp Pro 2016 (x64/x86)End of Life (
Trimble Inc.SketchUp Pro 2017 (x64)End of Life (
Trimble Inc.SketchUp Pro 2019 (x64)End of Life (
Trimble Inc.SketchUp Pro 2020 (x64)End of Life (
VMWare, Inc.VMware Workstation 10End of Life (
VMWare, Inc.VMware Workstation 11End of Life (
VMWare, Inc.VMware Workstation 12End of Life (
VMWare, Inc.VMware Workstation Player 12End of Life (
WhatsAppWhatsAppThe vendor no longer offers the EXE installer. They instead recommend downloading the app from the Microsoft store.
WinZip Computing, S.L.WinZip 19.5 (x86/x64)End Of Life
WinZip Computing, S.L.WinZip 20.5 (x86/x64)End Of Life
WinZip Computing, S.L.WinZip 23 (x64/x86)End of Life (
WinZip Computing, S.L.WinZip 24 (x64/x86)End of Life (
WinZip Computing, S.L.WinZip 25 (x64/x86)End of Life (
XK72 LtdCharles (x86)32-bit installer no longer provided
Yahoo!Yahoo! MessengerEnd of Life - 03/13/2012

More InformationNote: If there are any products where compatibility issues list above may be resolved in a newer update, please open a technical support case to let us know.