Free SSRS Software Update Dashboard for Microsoft SCCM
IMPORTANT: While SSRS reports have served us well in the past, they no longer align with the evolving needs of our customers. We feel the level of features, and the investment we can commit to in our Patch Insights and Advanced Insights reporting solutions, is significantly higher than what we can do for SSRS reports.
We are depreacting support for the free SSRS reports on July 1st 2024. For more information, please visit Patch My PC SSRS Deprecation – Patch My PC
To learn more about our Patch Insights and Advanced Insights solutions which represent a leap forward in reporting capabilities, please visit:-
Our team has updated and created a simple install for the dashboards created originally from Microsoft employee Gary Simmons. These reports are free to use.
Topics covered in this article:
Update: In addition to the free SSRS dashboards below, we also offer a free Power BI report for Microsoft and third-party updates in Configuration Manager.
How to Install the SSRS Software Update Reports:
- Step 1: Download the Publisher MSI and install it
- Step 2: Click the button “Run Report Installer…” in the Advanced tab of the publisher
- Step 3: Enter the details for your SSRS reporting instance:
- ConfigMgr Root SSRS Folder
- ConfigMgr SQL Reporting Server
- The “SSRS Folder to UPload Reports to:” can be left as default
- The default value for “SSRS Report Manager Folder:“, will generally be correct, but if you use a custom report manager folder name you will need to change it.
- The “SSRS Web Service Folder“, will generally be correct, but if you use a custom web service folder name you will need to change it.
- ConfigMgr Root SSRS Folder
- Step 4: Click “Start Report Install” and a Powershell script will automatically change the report URLs, and upload the reports to your SSRS server.
Known Issue with Slow Loading and Resolution:
Depending on the SQL Server version and Configuration Manager version, you may see slow report loading or timeouts on some reports. This is a known issue that can occur when the SQL compatibility level is set higher than 110. SQL query times out or console slow on certain Configuration Manager database queries
Overview of Each Report:
01 - Software Update Dashboard
This report is one of the main software update dashboard reports. This report shows overall update compliance information for a specific collection of devices. This report has many clickable links to drill down to sub-reports. Assets Section: This list the number of workstations and servers in the environment.
- UnManaged = Machines that haven’t performed a software update scan in the last 14 days
- Managed = Machines that have performed a software update scan in the last 14 days
- Total = The count of UnManaged and Managed
- Clickable Links: Servers and Workstations
Software Update Information: This list of percentages of updates installed for a specific month.
- Count under each month = Number of applicable (Required or Installed) updates for each month
- Percentage number = Percentage of updates for compliance on machines for each month
- Clickable Links: The Chart Titles, Percentage Numbers, and Bar Graphs
Workstation Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Overall Compliance Chart: This shows the percentage of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 that are 100% compliant for all available updates.
- Workstations Missing Software Updates Chart: This chart list the number of machines missing a specific number of updates: 1-10, 11-25, 26-50, >50.
- Percentage of Workstations 100% Compliance by Month Chart: This chart shows the percentage of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 machines that are 100% compliance for all updates in a specific month.
- Workstations Missing At Least 1 Update By Month Chart: This shows the count of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 devices missing at least 1 update for a specific month.
- Clickable Links: Workstations, Percentage Numbers, Bar Graphs, Counts
Server Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Overall Compliance Chart: This shows the percentage of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 that are 100% compliant for all available updates.
- Servers Missing Software Updates Chart: This chart list the number of machines missing a specific number of updates: 1-10, 11-25, 26-50, >50.
- Percentage of Servers 100% Compliance by Month Chart: This chart shows the percentage of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 machines that are 100% compliance for all updates in a specific month.
- Servers Missing At Least 1 Update By Month Chart: This shows the count of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 devices missing at least 1 update for a specific month.
- Clickable Links: Servers, Percentage Numbers, Bar Graphs, Counts
02 - Third-Party Update Dashboard
- UnManaged = Machines that haven’t performed a software update scan in the last 14 days
- Managed = Machines that have performed a software update scan in the last 14 days
- Total = The count of UnManaged and Managed
- Clickable Links: Servers and Workstations
Software Update Information: This list of percentage of updates installed for a specific month.
- Count under each month = Number of applicable (Required or Installed) updates for each month
- Percentage number = Percentage of updates that for compliance on machines for each month
- Clickable Links: The Chart Titles, Percentage Numbers, and Bar Graphs
Workstation Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Overall Compliance Chart: This shows the percentage of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 that are 100% compliant for all available updates.
- Workstations Missing Software Updates Chart: This chart list the number of machines missing a specific number of updates: 1-10, 11-25, 26-50, >50.
- Percentage of Workstations 100% Compliance by Month Chart: This chart shows the percentage of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 machines that are 100% compliance for all updates in a specific month.
- Workstations Missing At Least 1 Update By Month Chart: This shows the count of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 devices missing at least 1 update for a specific month.
- Clickable Links: Workstations, Percentage Numbers, Bar Graphs, Counts
Server Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Overall Compliance Chart: This shows the percentage of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 that are 100% compliant for all available updates.
- Servers Missing Software Updates Chart: This chart list the number of machines missing a specific number of updates: 1-10, 11-25, 26-50, >50.
- Percentage of Servers 100% Compliance by Month Chart: This chart shows the percentage of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 machines that are 100% compliance for all updates in a specific month.
- Servers Missing At Least 1 Update By Month Chart: This shows the count of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 devices missing at least 1 update for a specific month.
- Clickable Links: Servers, Percentage Numbers, Bar Graphs, Counts
03 - SUG Compliance - Dashboard
Assets Section: This list the number of workstations and servers in the environment.
- UnManaged = Machines that haven’t performed a software update scan in the last 14 days
- Managed = Machines that have performed a software update scan in the last 14 days
- Total = The count of UnManaged and Managed
- Clickable Links: Assets
Workstation Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Systems Missing Software Updates Chart: This chart list the number of machines missing a specific number of updates: 1-10, 11-25, 26-50, >50.
- Clickable Links: Workstations, Percentage Numbers, Bar Graphs, Counts
Overall Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Overall Compliance Chart: This chart shows the overall compliance for updates that are either installed or required for a specific software update group.
- Clickable Links: Bar graph
Overall Compliance: This shows the workstation compliance for different scenarios.
- Applicable Software Updates Chart: This chart shows the overall compliance for updates that are either installed or required for a specific software update group for the last 12 months by month.
- Clickable Links: Bar graph for each month
04 - All Software Updates Missing By Collection
- Update Severity: Critical, Important, Moderate, Low, and None
- Clickable Links: Computer Name
[/expand][expand title=”04 – Installed Third-Party Applications” tag=’h2′] This report allows you to choose a specific application from the applications in our SCUP catalog and show how many unique versions are installed in the environment.
- Clickable Links: Display Name and Display Version