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Messages - Hugo Marinho (Patch My PC)

Hi Jeff,

We have Tableau documented on our known issues page, which you can see here.

Tableau recently started to block scripted downloads, and for the meantime requires the use of the local content repository.

Hope to have helped!
Hi there,

Yes there are, we call it MCP, short for Manage Conflicting Processes, you can choose what should happen if the user is using the software when it needs to update, you can either skip the update, force it to close or simply show a toast notification for the user where he can choose if he wants to close now and update or just snooze the update to retry later.

See more info on this feature by clicking on this link here

Hope to have helped, have a great day!
Hi there,

The default scripts, cannot be changed. If you want to change the script yourself, you can do so directly from the Intune Console on the package itself.
We would recommend you to add a community script we created, that ensures that it uninstall any previous versions of software's, as a custom pre-script to the OpenVPN package.

Link to script here - Github

For more info on how to add custom scripts to packages, see more details below:

Hope to have helped, have a great day! :)
Hi there ajn,

The "Snooze Update" button is the "Defer" button, apologies for the confusing docs.
To configure that, you need to select the 4th option from the top "Notify the user to close the application" and the bottom options become available to be edited.

Hope to have helped, have a great day!
Hey Diana,

Thank you for reaching out to us about this topic.

You can find more info on "Intune Apps" vs "Intune Updates" on the link below:

However my colleague Ben Reader, explained it quite well in that thread you linked.

As for your questions:
- We don't have any major reports in that regard from clients;
- Each IDE usually uses its own way of saving the settings, so we cannot 100% guarantee that it won't change them, as a suggestion, we recommend you 1st only release the update in a small pilot group and validate if any settings have been changed prior to rolling out the updates to everyone;

Hope to have helped, have a great day!
Hi there Aleksander,

Thank you for reporting this, our dev is already aware and we are just finishing up internal testing to push out a fix.
The fix should be released within the next 24 hours, once it's out you will need to delete the package and run a sync to solve the problem.

Hope to have helped, have a great rest of your day!

Perfect, I have already replied :)
Hi there Johnsonr,

This is a very specific case, we will need to have a look on some log files to be able to provide you with a solution.

Depending on if you are using PMPC with SCCM or Intune, could you please have a look at the link below:

And send us the corresponding logs from a device where the detection is failing to [email protected] so that we have a look?

Thank you for your time!
Hi there Muja,

The default command that we use for "PL/SQL Developer 15 (MSI-x64)" is:
ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn
So after having a look at the vendor's docs (check link here) I see they only use one set of quotes, instead of the two sets you are using, so I could suggest that on the right-click option for "Modify the command line", you enter:
productcode="ABCD - 1234 - EF" serialnumber="01.234567" password="secret"
Let us know if this worked for you, thanks!
Hi there Iraklis,

Just to complement my colleague Ben reply, if that's something you like to see implemented, you can create a request for it in our ideas portal, so that our dev team can have a look and assess if it's feasible or not:

Ideas are assessed as a best effort basis and they are not guaranteed to be implemented, just to be transparent.
Hi there TJ,

You will likely have to republish the updates, they will still exist on the SUP, but no longer in the SUSDB (the ones you lost by going a month back with the backup), there are going to be a lot of errors for those missing updates, as PMPC will check if they still exist in the SUSDB, but they won't exist. Also, when PMPC will publish a newer version, it will try to supersede the old version, but that won't exist in the SUSDB either. So republishing is key here.
Depends which updates you have published in the last month, there are ways to determine that, but if you don't have many updates enabled, might as well republish all of them.

Hope to have helped, hope you have a great day!

Hi there Trevor,

Nice to know you managed to fix your issue, have a great weekend ahead :)

Hi there Asgeirk,

I think you also sent us an e-mail this morning about this and my colleague Adam replied to you there, so this issue is fix correct?

Thank you :)
HI there IT-Wikinger,

I'm sorry to hear that, you can click on the button "Collect logs" found on the bottom of the "General" tab, that will generate a .zip file with the relevant server side logs, you can then e-mail that over to us at [email protected] and we can have a look what can be happening there. Ideally you would also send us client side logs, if you have the option "Manage installation logging" enabled, their default location is either:

This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Software Center.
This may be found in the %temp% of the user who clicked 'Install' in Software Center if it was an 'Available' deployment.

This may be found in the %ProgramData%\PatchMyPC\ if the Install was initiated by the user from Company Portal.
Note: Some Patch My PC log files listed above may be found in %WinDir%\CCM folder if that folder exists.
Hey IT-Wikinger,

The German.lngx is in the same folder as the package itself client side when downloaded from wsus/sccm/intune, so in your script you can use the command below:

Copy-Item -Path ".\German.lngx" -Destination C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass2x\Languages

Hope to have helped, have a rest of a great day!