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No Categories

Started by Jason, October 26, 2022, 05:51:22 AM

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Hi everyone,

Just loaded Patch My PC, I did not there are no categories/subcategories. On the new version. As per the screenshot. Is there anyone to set categories such as "Browsers" etc?Screenshot 2022-10-26 104645.png

Please let me know.

Thanks again.


Same here! I no longer see about 30 apps that "Patch ..." formerly updated. I'm suspecting a possible legal problem might have caused this. Let us know what is happening or if this is in error.


Hi Coover,

Could be? Not sure.
Let's see if we can get some clarity.


Changed in

"Removed the software groups. Now all software is under one list sorted alphabetically, portable software is still in its own group."

But tbh I hate it that its removed, I liked browsing through the categories and look if there is something nice to have.

I really don't understand what the admin was thinking about removing a feature instead of make it chooseable.....


Please bring back the categories.

And lots of the 300 software packages are missing now. Instead of 30+ of them installed, now I only get 20+ listed.


Hi theJazzman42,

I so agree with the categories and subcategories, everything was all in order, and now everything is in one huge list.


I always recommended PatchMyPC to people with low-level PC knowledge to keep their apps up2date and to install new software. Especially for these people it's almost useless now.


I also agree the categories were most useful. My question would be why not allow one to choose categories or all in one list.


Sounds like a good compromise. Could be placed in options.

Another proposal - choose which categories you wanna see.


Quote from: theJazzman42 on October 27, 2022, 09:21:34 AMI always recommended PatchMyPC to people with low-level PC knowledge to keep their apps up2date and to install new software. Especially for these people it's almost useless now.

I also recommend it too


Quote from: robwolfe on October 27, 2022, 10:03:08 AMI also agree the categories were most useful. My question would be why not allow one to choose categories or all in one list.

I fully agree or have the option to have it with categories or not.


It look like a huge mess
I am dyslexic. I have no problem with  reading it's just the spelling I'm bad at.

Categories help a lot for me since I don't need to use the search function. I just hope they gonna bring it back again soon


Quote from: linkhunter on October 28, 2022, 12:11:47 AMIt looks like a huge mess
I am dyslexic. I have no problem with reading it's just the spelling I'm bad at.

Categories help a lot for me since I don't need to use the search function. I just hope they gonna bring it back again soon

I fully understand, what I liked with the categories was everything was in its place, for example, "Browsers" Etc.


I heard from Justin and was told "Omar let our engineering know, and we should be able to get this resolved in a future update".



Quote from: robwolfe on October 28, 2022, 06:07:40 PMI heard from Justin and was told "Omar let our engineering know, and we should be able to get this resolved in a future update".

I hope that update will be soon. I cannot imagine that adding the categories again would be a difficult programing problem. It would (I think) only require a few lines (the categories) to be added back to the program and other lines moved to fit the categories.


Quote from: coover on October 28, 2022, 06:18:28 PM
Quote from: robwolfe on October 28, 2022, 06:07:40 PMI heard from Justin and was told "Omar let our engineering know, and we should be able to get this resolved in a future update".

I hope that update will be soon. I cannot imagine that adding the categories again would be a difficult programing problem. It would (I think) only require a few lines (the categories) to be added back to the program and other lines moved to fit the categories.

Let's see about future updates. I hope it gets changed I mean I understand a new look but "What ain't broke don't fix"


As an experiment I used the new version on a friend's machine. I found it very difficult to use. I can not image why it was changed. I can not see a new user staying with it.


I agree with everyone else. Taking away the categories really threw me for a loop. It makes it look way worse and more difficult to find other things that you need. Please bring the groups back or at least let it be an Option. Thanks!


Fully agree, let's hope it returns in future updates


I am authistic and now with the categories removed, I can't find my way in the applist anymore. :(
The categories gave the app structure, now that's gone.
I suppose I am not the only one with this problem.
Do as robwolfe suggested and give the user the option to use categories or just one big (unstructured) list.


Merlin makes a point.

I also recommended users who are not computer proficient to use PatchMyPC to install needed software. With the categories, it's easier to find out which software is available.


I also strongly dislike this change introduced in version and I've created another thread on the Report Bugs and Issues forum on this subject.

The other notable change that's occurred in version is the removal of numerous applications from the list of software (the full list can be found here), some of which don't make sense as I don't believe they have been "discontinued" nor has anything changed with their installers to make them "incompatible".


I already notified an moderator



What an absolute mess this now is.

Before, I'd open it, browsers: check, check... multimedia: check, check... Utilities: Check, Check, Check... Etc...  Done.  Awesome.

I never really had to think...  Everything was logically sorted and it gives you an easy pattern to follow... Which is what you need if you're doing this stuff a lot... Which almost all of us PMPC users are...

Now:  Open it...  Errrr...  brain ache.  Dyslexia doesn't help...  Miss many items...  Have to open it later when i know there missing...  Swear A LOT!


The ONLY issue with the categories, was that the utilities one was a little too big... It needed to be split up a bit.  That's all.

This is an absolutely amazingly useful bit of software!
But completely buggered by the removal of categories.

I hope that the person that suggested this change, and the manager who signed it off both have to wear a dunce's cap for one whole month.

I look forward to our beloved PMPC returning to its former glory.