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Using OSD Variable with Additional Argument line for Nessus

Started by ScottJP, May 09, 2022, 11:56:29 AM

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I may also ask this on the Tenable forums, but figured I'd start here in case someone here had a similar setup or thought to accomplish this.

As part of a Task Sequence OSD process, I use a custom variable to help determine whether a device gets a "Prod" Nessus Group or a "Test" Nessus Group, which are currently separate installations that I previously maintained. I'm hoping to move our Nessus installer to use the Patch My PC generated one so it's kept up to date, but I still need to have the group customization set up on the initial install. The server and key entries will remain the same.

Is there a way within the right click settings to specify which Nessus Group code is applied, based by a Task Sequence variable entry? So if I had a "Prod" variable selected, the Nessus Group would be "ProdGroup", and then that "ProdGroup" result would be passed along into the full installation program arguments?

Scott (Patch My PC)

Hey ScottJP

Based on the docs for Tenable Nessus, https://docs.tenable.com/nessus/Content/InstallNessusAgentWindows.htm, I can see that it supports command-line arguments during installation and one of those is NESSUS_GROUPS=

You could make use of our Modify Command Line option to pass those command-line arguments with the Tenable Nessus installer we can package and publish for you. You can find more information on that option here, https://patchmypc.com/custom-options-available-for-third-party-updates-and-applications#modify-command-line


Hi Scott, that's what I'm looking at doing (and already do with my existing deployment, except I have two of them via a clone), however the issue I have is within that Command Line option, I wish to set the NessusGroup switch option to be the result of a variable already provided by a MECM Task Sequence. So if the "Test" variable is used, it would put the "Test" NessusGroup name in place in the command line argument.

For the command line support in PMPC, it looks like it can only accept one type of variable %CurrentDir%, so my guess is it can't take any other variables provided from an external source (or even a pre script)?

I'm thinking I may need to do this as a post script instead but also am not sure if it can take an OSD Variable. I'm hoping it can, but I'll have to test.

I more or less wanted to see if anyone had a need for this before and was able to make it work.