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Few questions

Started by Jasperwillem, March 23, 2018, 01:20:10 PM

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Hey all,

After the Guardian "Ask Jack" piece told us that PSI no longer was supported, I wanted to try out Patch my PC.
Really like the UI, setup, etc.

Question though;
- In the Scheduler Task setup I have to choose to set "Task Enabled" to True or False. What does that mean or have as result?

Two more questions;
- Can we filter out non installed programs from the "updater list"?
- Why is a program listed red when a higher version number is listed? > https://puu.sh/zO2YA/1adc7868a1.png


Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Sorry for the delay looks like we missed this one.

Quote- In the Scheduler Task setup I have to choose to set "Task Enabled" to True or False. What does that mean or have as result?

This just means the scheduled task is enabled to run. If you set it to disabled, Patch My PC wouldn't run on the schedule.

Quote- Can we filter out non installed programs from the "updater list"?
Not currently, we wanted to have an option to show only installed in the initial version 4.0 release, but we hit a few perf issues before release. This is something we definitely want to add in the future.

Quote- Why is a program listed red when a higher version number is listed? > https://puu.sh/zO2YA/1adc7868a1.png

This is because there is a leftover entry from the program's installation in the registry. You can go to the Uninstall tab in Patch My PC and delete the previous version if it's no longer installed. We are looking on ways to better handle the older versions detection if you also have the latest version installed.