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Patch My PC Actions and Clear CCM Cache

Started by PaulKlerkx, March 26, 2024, 04:19:07 PM

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Hi, new to PMPC, Still setting up.  I found this page.  https://docs.patchmypc.com/installation-guides/advanced-insights/advanced-insights-inventory-extensions/custom-client-actions

It says I should have a "Patch My PC Actions" button with several options when I view a device that has the inventory extensions installed.  I verified my source and target device both have the Inventory extensions. (it shows under software tab in the same view, but no button. 
We do have "Additional Script approver", however the script doesn't exist in our list of scripts to approve. 
It also shows a highlighted "Notify" button which doesn't exist in my console either. 

1.  How do I get these buttons to appear? (was there another installer I missed maybe?)
2. "Clear CCM Cache" - I know from previous experience that clearing everything from a MCM cache is a terrible idea and breaks application installers.  Is it an actual full cache clearing or is it a selective cache clearing of obsolete entries?

Raunak Desai (Patch My PC)

Hey Paul,

Apologies for the delay in responding.

Can you please raise a support case with us, so we can dig further on this to find the root cause :https://patchmypc.com/technical-support
