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Citrix Receiver 4.12 ( failed with 0x80070643

Started by violapersempre, February 26, 2020, 11:42:06 PM

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At Patching the Citrix Receiver 4.12 ( i get at every client the 0x80070643.
Any Idea?

Jacques Guillory

Can you please send the client installation logs to support@patchmypc.com?

Collecting Log Files for Support ÔÇö https://patchmypc.com/faq-scup-catalog#log-files


Hello, just wondering if you were able to resolve this?  We are seeing the same error with newer versions of Citrix Receiver.


It turns out that this issue is due to the Websense Proxy. Those  familiar with this product will know that this product can open and parse outgoing http and https packets and  give the false impression that the packets are jammed. Microsoft services  always reject such packages.
Adding *.azure.com to the proxy whitelist solved the problem and the installations could continue.