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0x87d00327 - Script not signed

Started by lee-mecm-admin, May 25, 2022, 09:06:35 AM

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We are getting at least 40% error rate on most deployments as of late with the error code and message in the subject line.

There doesn't appear to be any common denominator.  All machines are in the same OUs they have been, same device policies, etc...

This started happening about 2 weeks ago or so, before that very little issue with app deploys and patching.

Jake Shackelford (Patch My PC)

We do have a KB article about this found here: https://patchmypc.com/applications-fail-to-install-during-osd-in-sccm-with-error-authorizationmanager-check-failed-0x87d00327

If you reach out to us via email support@patchmypc.com we can request some logs and dig into what might be happening.


I think that's what we need to do!

The interesting thing is why it worked before though, with no change(s) to the certs since we began using this product-- which is great by the way!

I'll get back to you once I have time to look through this in more detail.  Thank you.

Jake Shackelford (Patch My PC)

Keep us posted! Sometimes the issue can just appear at odd times, the reason behind it is the ConfigMgr Client sometimes isn't fast enough to deploy out the certificate when it gets installed.


You need to open a support case at this point. Selecting a file using the Open button  does not (or  should not) change the file. This is the  point of the "open" function. I've used it in multiple production environments without any issues and  recently tested it in the lab.

J Wick