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Topics - chakalaka


Our org is using the service to update (not install) third-party apps via Intune. All of our identities and workstations are cloud-joined. I am trying to generate a status report for these updates. How many successfully installed? Failed? Are non-applicable?

When I follow these instructions, the Installed, Install Pending, and Not Applicable columns are empty. When I follow these instructions to load the report into PMPC's PowerBI template, the data is null.

However, when I contact end users and check the Apps section in Intune, it's clear updates via PMPC are being pushed. I'm a test case and I received the updates this morning, so I know they're working. However, going into Intune and clicking an individual app to check the update status is practically impossible. We are a SaaS only organization and have hundreds of third-party apps.

What is the easiest way to get this information?