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hey jjurgens,

The latest version is now part of our catalog.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Thank you for reaching out to us.

This would require a little more digging. So I would request you to please raise a support case with us, and attach the below logs:

Application Windows Event Log
Can be filtered on ".NET Runtime" source
Hi - We are using Version 2.2.2 Build date: [20240624].  On the report Software Updates > Dashboard there is a chart at the top that shows the past month update trend and you can click the arrow and it will go back to the prior month.   When I add that object to a custom report the click back does not work, is that a bug or am I missing something in my setup?  Thanks for the help!
Request New Features or Software (Free Home Updater) / Apps list
Last post by pastordl - July 17, 2024, 10:48:38 AM
Is there a way to filter out the "not-installed" apps in the list? Searched "Not-installed" and found no matches.

If not it would be a great feature to add.
Thank you.
Hello jjurgens!
We are adding the new update to our catalog.
Also, we are improving our internal detection for this application.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Any specific reason why PMPC is holding off on publishing the 24.2.1. update?  Last release was 24.1.6 from mid-June.  We have users requesting the latest update and need to determine if I should package it rather than wait for the update.  Thanks.
Hey Burdarper

What you're observing is a bug (or "bad" design) in Intune, and how it handles the "ASAP" assignment option.

We have an article which discusses this here: https://patchmypc.com/intune-asap-assignments-bug

The solution is thankfully fairly straight forward with Patch My PC; for your Ring0 and Ring1 groups in the Patch My PC Publisher, you would change the availability/deadline to be +0 days @ 00:00 rather than leaving them at the default "ASAP". Kindly see attached screenshot which illustrates this.
Sadly no new updates on this one yet.

The error is due to Tableau blocking downloads without certain headers. We have this documented on our known issues page now at:- https://patchmypc.com/known-issues-and-considerations-when-using-patch-my-pc#topic5. We think they implemented restrictions to stop software automation solutions from downloading binaries. When you invoke the download manually from a browser, it supplies a different header type in the request.
Seeing the same here - switched back to email notifications sending to the Teams channel...looks rough (especially on dark mode) but gets the job done for now. Eagerly awaiting a fix for this and waiting for MS to provide better documentation...and enable use on private channels.
Hey altu,

What you've observed is expected behaviour; we do not have have anything in the Publisher to manage deployments for ConfigMgr Apps like we do for Intune.

Like you've alluded to, SCCM has built-in capabilities to automate the deployment of software updates via ADRs. Software updates are also the best way to do patching with SCCM, instead of Applications.

Software updates have built-in logic to only apply the update to devices which need it; this enables you to deploy any third-party software update in SCCM to all devices, and the patches will only install on devices requiring the update. For example, if you deployed a Google Chrome x64 third-party software update from SCCM to a device which does not have  Google Chrome x64 installed, the update will do nothing have return "not required" / "not applicable".

You also don't have to use ADRs to deploy software updates with SCCM, you can deploy software updates just like you do any other Microsoft updates in SCCM; you could manually create the SUG, add updates to it, deploy it to a collection, download updates into a Deployment Package and distribute it to your DPs. However, ADRs do automate all of this effort.

You can even automate waved / ringed / phased deployments with software updates in SCCM, and especially so using ADRs, which you cannot with Applications - this is (IMO) an industry-wide best practice for patching; to deploy updates to test devices or power users first, before deploying them to everyone else.

The functionality to preconfigure the assignments for Intune exists in our product because Intune has no concept for automatic assignments, like SCCM does with ADRs.

If your SCCM devices are co-managed and the Client Apps workload is moved to Intune, you can absolutely start leveraging our Intune integration. If you prefer to keep things with SCCM for now, then of course it's possible.

We have an article here which discusses configuring an ADRs in SCCM, specifically for third-party updates:

I hope this helps.