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Messages - Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Hey PS_Alex,

Thanks for sharing the love of the new iconography :)

We will only add icons for apps that are tested by us that should be closed during an update. When you enable MCP for an app that we deem it not required by default, we will not add an icon beside the entry. The entry in supportedproducts.xml is used to populate a table on our website at https://patchmypc.com/known-issues-and-considerations-when-using-patch-my-pc#topic2 to give the reason why we recommend that app is shutdown during the update process - typically because during our testing it fails if the user has the app open.

Thanks for the feedback, hope that answers your question :)
Hey BugsBunny, thanks for enabling the Custom Apps connection. Its normal to see this if you have not added any Custom Apps yet. I think the team are working on how we log errors for our cloud connection - it infers something is broken but it actually means something less evil. If you create a custom app and the error persists in the log, please let us know! Thanks, Ben.
Hi Shuan,

The team are adding support. I would encourage you to upvote the following idea to be notified when this change has been shipped. Thanks for your patience

Hi Iraklis,

It is not possible to pause it for longer. We would suggest un-ticking the product if it is not your intention to publish it within 6 months. You can go ahead and check the box for the product when you want to resume patching. Hope that helps
Hello Jorge,

Patch My PC will publish apps and updates as Win32 apps in Intune. These can be deployed to Device Groups in the Device Context from Intune. The Intune Management Extension can install apps, targeted to a device, without the user being logged on. To be more specific, we dont have our own agent on client devices managing the app installation - we simple use the Intune agent that is deployed automatically to devices when the are enrolled to Intune.
Hello Iraklis,

We have a right-click feature called "Pause product updates" which will not process specific apps during publishing - effectively freezing the last version that you published.
Hello Fanceth,

Its OK to deploy a Software Update Group (SUG) to all workstations for third-party updates. Only the workstations that require the updates in the SUG will install them.

You can, of course, exclude specific logical units from those collections if you know they will never need the third party updates you are deploying.
We have seen a number of these cases since Microsoft released a Kerberos hardening patch in October. Restarting the Patch My PC service normally fixes this. Thanks
Hi PS_Alex,

You can right click a configmgr app/product in our catalog to change the localized description. Does this help?

As we work to resolve the bug to display URLs in alerts/logs, please know you can right click any product in the Publisher UI and select "Show package info" which will also show the download URL. Thanks
Hello sw-deploy

The Publisher will use a specific .net class to connect to the internet in the SYSTEM context. To accurately mimic what the Publisher does, please try to access the URL using the following method:-

   • Download PSExec from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553
   • Extract PSExec
   • Open Command Prompt as Administrator
   • Run the following from the location that you extracted PSExec: .\psexec -s -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
   • Attempt to access the URLs again
Hi @Kevin.McCurdy!

Yes please reach out, all previous paths we have followed to a HP Enterprise API have resulted in closed beta pages. Can you ping [email protected]?
Hi Korebreach,

These are just overly verbose telemetry activities. They have no bearing on the functionality of the tooling. I hope that helps?

Restoring the PMPC config is easy, we have a guide for that at https://patchmypc.com/backup-and-restore-publisher-settings

You should also consider the code-signing certificate and SUSDB.

If the code-signing certificate private key is marked as exportable, its recommended to move that to your new WSUS server - especially if its a self-signed certificate. If the code-signing certificate is issued from an internal PKI, its not so essential to use-the same one (assuming the code-signing certificate that you use on your new WSUS server to sign updates is also trusted by your clients).

Typically we recommend to use the existing SUSDB if you are doing a site migration. You can install WSUS on your new site server and use the existing DB. You should then also migrate/use the existing WSUS Content folders too. This is a great video on considerations for moving WSUS to a new server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBcJY8_uHCQ - of course, WSUS should be installed be you configure the SUP role as per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/sum/get-started/install-a-software-update-point