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Unable to see "Perform Updates or Re-Check Software" Buttons

Started by NostalgicStone, November 04, 2015, 07:30:04 AM

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I just did an clean upgrade to windows 10 from my windows 7 PC and I cannot see the "Perform Updates or Re-Check Software" buttons that should be at the bottom right. I have tried every available resolution on my PC and cannot get it figured out. I tried stretching the window as large as it will go, even tried hooking up a much larger external monitor and stretching it out over there to no avail. The program still works fine on my other computers... Anyone run into this before? Is there any way to manually change the windows size in PatchMyPc through a config file or anything like that?

Thanks in advance!


I'm seeing the same thing on Vista and Win 7 - the application screen seems like it's 'too big' for the actual window (the social media icon is cut off in the upper right as well). On Vista I can 'just' see the top of the buttons to Start and Cancel and can click them. On Windows 7 - not at all. This is v3.0.3.1  Used v3.0.3 just fine yesterday (but it auto updates so can't use it in a pinch)

Amazing tool y'all - keep up the good work!


Windows 8.1, same thing.  I installed this tool on my aunt's computer for ease of updates and the social media buttons are off to the side and the update/re-check buttons are no where to be seen.


Interestingly enough - it works fine on Windows 10, but that's a different style window setup.


I just tried uninstalling/reinstalling my video drivers, made sure that Windows is up to date and tried using the "Share window" function in TeamViewer, still no Bueno... As a last resort I crated a guest profile and still nothing :(
Anyone figure out a workaround?


One temporary solution is to get a copy of version and then disconnect from the Internet. Open Patch My PC and click the options tab. Put a check in Disable Patch My PC Self-Updater. Then reconnect to the Internet and do your updates.



Same here. Missing bar on the bottom of PatchMyPC. No way to trigger updates, no progress bar showing on newest version.


Same here with on a Toshiba Satellite C55-A (Intel HD Graphics 4000; 1366x768) just upgraded to Win10.  Tried to use and turn off auto-update as suggested, but program won't start without active Internet connection.  Any other workarounds?

Harry Z

Same here. Win 7 Home Premium with all patches. Have run 'sfc /scannow' and 'chkdsk c: /r' and problem remains.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Can you guys see if this is fixed in todays version update?



Hey guys I just tried again today after the update and it's fixed :)