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Command Line Switch - URL for Settings

Started by brink668, February 25, 2015, 07:22:11 AM

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First this may be possible within the application and is certainly possible to do through other methods but having a native way to pull the settings files for PatchMyPC from a URL would be very convenient.

patchmypc.exe /auto /settingsurl="http://mydomain.com/patchmypcsettings.config"

Right now I have a batch script that downloads the latest settings into the PatchMyPC directory so that I can manage a few more home computers at once than going to each machine and updating the settings 1 by 1. However, having this built in could save me some time in the future ;)

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

This is something we may look into, but doesn't exist right now.

Quote from: brink668 on February 25, 2015, 07:22:11 AM
First this may be possible within the application and is certainly possible to do through other methods but having a native way to pull the settings files for PatchMyPC from a URL would be very convenient.

patchmypc.exe /auto /settingsurl="http://mydomain.com/patchmypcsettings.config"

Right now I have a batch script that downloads the latest settings into the PatchMyPC directory so that I can manage a few more home computers at once than going to each machine and updating the settings 1 by 1. However, having this built in could save me some time in the future ;)


I would love to see this feature allow a local config path as well.
This would allow me to take advantage of a single patch cache location and use different auto install config files.
Currently, I need to create a separate folder with the executable and config that generates a separate patch cache, thus duplicating all of the downloads.
Can this be implemented?