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Program update errors

Started by SDKat, June 11, 2024, 08:46:19 AM

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I've been using Patch for quite a while, mostly without issues.  But recently, things have gone downhill.  Today, it wants me to DOWNGRADE 7.Zip (I have 24,06, it wants to install 24.05), AND it's telling me my latest version of VLC (3.0.20) ISN'T the version it actually is.  Why?  If it's not going to be accurate, why am I even using it?

Omar (Patch My PC)

This means you have both old and newer versions installed, it's just showing you that the older versions of these apps are installed, you need to manually uninstall the older versions of 7-Zip and VLC.


NO, I do NOT have older versions of the programs.  LibreOffice is ALSO on the list to downgrade, as well as several others.  OH well, it was good while it lasted.

Omar (Patch My PC)

There is no downgrade at all in here, This is like a bonus feature from PMPC to let you know that you have multiple versions installed, Open Add/Remove Programs, you will see older updates are installed with the latest ones, if not, then there are some leftovers in the registry from these old updates.