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Trouble finding an option to disable showing apps in Company portal

Started by DDiego, February 06, 2024, 08:55:11 AM

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Hello, how's everyone doing. I've been trying to find the option to hide published apps in Company portal. I don't know if i'm doing something wrong. I only want to set apps and update them, not publishing the app for the user to download (yet) And having maybe 4 or 5 versions of the same app in the Company portal is kind if irregular (but i do want 4 versions of that app available within Patch my pc for updates, i only do not want them to published into company portal)

I hope i'm being clear
Thanks in advance

Spencer (Patch My PC)


Thanks for reaching out on the Forum!

For Apps to show in the company portal they'll need to be assigned as Available. You may have Assignment groups listed in the right-click option "Manage Assignments" set as available if they're showing in the company portal.

You can validate this by right-clicking on the app in the publisher and checking "Manage Assignments." If you see groups listed under "Available for Enrolled Devices" then you'll want to remove them or change them to required deployment.

More information on assignments can be found here:

Please Note: That Assignments can be configured at every level in the Publisher product list. I would confirm All Product > Vendor > Product levels do not contain available assignments to ensure apps don't show in the company portal.

Let me know if you have further questions or concerns! 😊