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XnView MP (x64) shows as outdated and not installed

Started by around, October 14, 2023, 08:03:46 AM

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Just updated XnView MP (x64) to 1.6.0 and it is detected by PMPC as outdated (in red) in the right panel and not installed (in black) in the left panel (printscreen attached).
Uninstalled and reinstalled several times, situation remains the same.
Please advise.
Thank you



Also here. Updated XnViewMP x64 to latest Version 1.6.1 and still shown as outdated.
In the left panel it's incorrectly detected as XnView 2.51.5


In my case I have XnView 2.51.5 installed (as well as XnView MP (x64)) and it is correctly detected (green).
I also updated XnView MP (x64) to 1.6.1 and the situation remains: outdated (red) in the right panel and not installed (black) in the left panel.


This issue looks similar to the one I have with Wise Registry Cleaner.

In that case, PMPC is parsing the version number from the DisplayName registry key, rather that getting it directly from the DisplayVersion key.

That worked...until the version number was no longer included in the DisplayName key.

Diff of the registry keys that shows my issue -


I suspect the same thing is happening here with XnView MP.


Confirm, still no fix. Recently updated to XnView 1.6.2.


You can update and refresh Patch My PC, then reinstall XnView MP manually or exclude and re-add it within Patch My PC.

Semper Fidelis

Quote from: savannah on January 04, 2024, 07:50:14 PMYou can update and refresh Patch My PC, then reinstall XnView MP manually or exclude and re-add it within Patch My PC.
Does not work for me. Still XnView MP (x64) shows as outdated and not installed. This issue has been quite long unfixed. Is that usual with Patch My PC?

Omar (Patch My PC)

Hi there,
This will be fixed in the next major update of Patch My PC which will be released soon, sorry about this :) 

Semper Fidelis

Thanks Omar for the info. Good. Looking forward for the new major update.

Semper Fidelis


Omar has replied to my post on this board the following:

"Hi there,
This will be fixed in the next major update of Patch My PC which will be released soon, sorry about this :)"

So it should be fixed in the next major update of Patch My PC.  :)


It's incredible that this issue still hasn't been solved!
Maybe it has to do with the wrong link in PMPC to the webpage of XNView MP?
It should read https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/
and not https://www.xnview.com/en/xnview/ ("mp" is missing) as is presently indicated im PMPC.