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Downstream server won't syncronize after deployment

Started by tim_env, September 13, 2023, 02:22:24 PM

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Last month we were only monitoring, this is our first month deploying 3rd party patches and after enabling the downstream WSUS can no longer synchronize and throws a SQL error.

SqlException: Can not create an install deployment to an update that does not support install
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.
at Microsoft.UpdateServices.DatabaseAccess.DBConnection.DrainObsoleteConnections(SqlException e)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.DatabaseAccess.DBConnection.ExecuteReader()
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.SingleResultSetSPHandler.ExecuteStoredProcedure(DBConnection connection)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSP(String spName, DBParameterCollection args, IExecuteSPHandler handler, Int32 queryTimeoutInSeconds)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.GenericDataAccess.ExecuteSP(String spName, DBParameterCollection args, IExecuteSPHandler handler)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.CommonDataAccess.ExecuteSPSingleResultSet(String spName, DBParameterCollection args, Type resultType, Int32 queryTimeoutInSeconds)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.CommonDataAccess.ExecuteSPSingleResultSet(String spName, DBParameterCollection args, Type resultType)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.DatabaseAccess.Admin

Raunak Desai (Patch My PC)

Hey Kim !

Hope you are keeping well.

This issue requires a detailed troubleshooting and I would suggest you to create a support case with us :https://patchmypc.com/technical-support


Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Hi Tim,

Are you syncing Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8/11/21 out of interest?

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)


I am not sure on JDK.  We disabled it for the time being and my coworker will open a ticket before we look at it again.

Ben Whitmore (Patch My PC)

Thanks Tim,

We resolved this today with Lukas. The downstream WSUS server had corrupt column information for some of the updates in the database. We cleared those up and the errors were resolved.