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Failed to sign package; error was: 2149122551

Started by LittleMarco, February 12, 2020, 07:07:32 AM

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I have been getting this error message the last 2-3 weeks in PatchMyPC log. I have reinstalled the application, made sure that the proxy is configured properly, but no luck so far. Cert is fine as it has not been changed recently and not expired. I saw some instructions about setting up the proxy with SYSTEM, but because the error code is different, I have not tried yet.

What could be the issue?

QuoteCalling WSUS API to publish an update to WSUS this can take a few minutes for large updates   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:02 AM   6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: Failed to sign package; error was: 2149122551   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:05 AM   6 (0x0006)
Starting download for: https://download-installer-origin.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/73.0/win64/en-US/Firefox Setup 73.0.exe   Downloader   2/12/2020 8:41:05 AM   6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file: [https://download-installer-origin.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/73.0/win64/en-US/Firefox%20Setup%2073.0.exe] Average speed: 14.84 MB/s (48 MB)   Downloader   2/12/2020 8:41:08 AM   11 (0x000B)
Successfully downloaded the update   Downloader   2/12/2020 8:41:08 AM   6 (0x0006)
Digest of downloaded update Pzj/uPpvY5uGwL9xOlx/USRJaEo= matches the digest from the catalog Pzj/uPpvY5uGwL9xOlx/USRJaEo=   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:09 AM   6 (0x0006)
Calling WSUS API to publish an update to WSUS this can take a few minutes for large updates   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:09 AM   6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: Failed to sign package; error was: 2149122551   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:54 AM   6 (0x0006)
Starting download for: https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v7.8.4/npp.7.8.4.Installer.x64.exe   Downloader   2/12/2020 8:41:54 AM   6 (0x0006)
Finished downloading file: [https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/releases/download/v7.8.4/npp.7.8.4.Installer.x64.exe] Average speed: 3.6 MB/s (3 MB)   Downloader   2/12/2020 8:41:55 AM   28 (0x001C)
Successfully downloaded the update   Downloader   2/12/2020 8:41:55 AM   6 (0x0006)
Digest of downloaded update p44ZDVY6r/sIjgojnpycWw/KGh8= matches the digest from the catalog p44ZDVY6r/sIjgojnpycWw/KGh8=   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:55 AM   6 (0x0006)
Calling WSUS API to publish an update to WSUS this can take a few minutes for large updates   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:55 AM   6 (0x0006)
An error occurred while publishing an update to WSUS: Failed to sign package; error was: 2149122551   Worker   2/12/2020 8:41:58 AM   6 (0x0006)

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Please try this KB: Failed to sign Package; error was: 2147954402 OR 2147954429 OR 2147954407 - https://patchmypc.com/forum/index.php?topic=2673.0

It's most likely the proxy not being set at the SYSTEM level. The error code can be depending on the firewall/proxy.


It is working now. Odd that I did not have that issue before.

Thank you very much for your prompt answer.