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Patch My PC updates - Updates status 'missing'

Started by toni.swinfield, December 17, 2018, 05:09:11 AM

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I have emailed Justin directly but I'll post here to share my problem. We have a lot of clients that have software installed that wasn't originally installed from SCCM (software center). I have only just got software updates to work from SCCM, previously any updates for windows only came directly from WSUS. Since I got that element working I have introduced Patch My PC updates into the mix to manage third party updates.

The issue I'm finding and its happening A LOT is updates status in the logs like WUHandler or updatestore showing status as missing for Patch My PC updates. I believe the issue is for those applications not the update) that didn't get installed directly from the software center. The software is installed in default locations in the C:\ so there really shouldn't be any detection issues to then start updating the client applications from SCCM updates.

We have luckily only pushed these updates out to a small test collection of users but definitely need to start rolling this out to the rest of the business but over 1000 client machines we need to ensure this actually works as that a 1000 devices we will have to manually fix and install updates to!

Example errors WUHandler:
1. Update (Missing): Notepad++ 7.6.1 (x64) (a266914c-9c28-4bf0-b0b1-43aa131404d9, 1)]LOG]!><time="19:57:05.019+00" date="12-16-2018" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="247200" file="cwuahandler.cpp:1820">
2. Update (Missing): Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (x64) (b4fed9d7-b8dc-46c2-af59-f9c5dfdab7b8, 1)]LOG]!><time="19:57:05.019+00" date="12-16-2018" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="247200" file="cwuahandler.cpp:1820">

1. Update (Missing): Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Update 19.010.20064 (4f0a60f7-752a-46f2-ba86-6f656643185c, 1)]LOG]!><time="11:22:38.416+00" date="12-17-2018" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="244516" file="cwuahandler.cpp:1820">
2. Update (Missing): AutoHotkey (c316baf8-aa1a-4e92-aa37-a68e2517ce9a, 2)]LOG]!><time="11:22:38.416+00" date="12-17-2018" component="WUAHandler" context="" type="1" thread="244516" file="cwuahandler.cpp:1820">

Example errors UpdatesStore:
[Queried Update (b4fed9d7-b8dc-46c2-af59-f9c5dfdab7b8): Status=Missing, Title=Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (x64), BulletinID=GC-71.98-x64, QNumbers=GC-71.98-x64, LocaleID=, ProductID=16169fab-1c8a-4ee0-0e37-f8bd89c45609, UpdateClassification = e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4, ExcludeForStateReporting=FALSE.]LOG]!><time="11:25:01.166+00" date="12-17-2018" component="UpdatesStore" context="" type="1" thread="265660" file="cupdatesstore.cpp:1328">

Queried Update (a266914c-9c28-4bf0-b0b1-43aa131404d9): Status=Missing, Title=Notepad++ 7.6.1 (x64), BulletinID=NPP-7.6.1-x64, QNumbers=NPP-7.6.1-x64, LocaleID=, ProductID=16169fab-1c8a-4ee0-0e37-f8bd89c45609, UpdateClassification = cd5ffd1e-e932-4e3a-bf74-18bf0b1bbd83, ExcludeForStateReporting=FALSE.]LOG]!><time="11:25:01.166+00" date="12-17-2018" component="UpdatesStore" context="" type="1" thread="265660" file="cupdatesstore.cpp:1328">

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

What exactly is the issue here? It just looks like the update is showing missing/applicable because there's an older version installed.