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Download Fail - The Thread is not in Background Processing Mode Error 0x80070191

Started by BBoozer, October 24, 2018, 04:15:57 PM

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So while this would appear to be an issue specifically with SCCM, it is only occurring to the third party updates added by the Publishing service. While I just signed up with my new company, I had previously used SCUP, so I thought I would try the new service. I installed and successfully added updates and deployed them w/o issue the first month. However, now, I try to download them after setting up a group, and I get for over half the 3rd party updates the following message: Error: The thread is not in background processing mode.

Any idea? I have been through just about every reasonable suggestion. The only common thread is that they are imported via the application (not all fail to download, though).

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Can you email the patchdownloader.log in your users %temp% folder to support @ our domain name?

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)