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Skype not detected as installed on Pmp

Started by Peace2000, March 15, 2018, 11:10:24 AM

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Hello! I have Windows 10 x64 and with version of Pmp, Skype is not being detected as installed even though I have it installed.

It's of course possible that this bug has been before but during this version I happened to notice it.


Oh the problem was on Microsoft side. This thread is not relevant anymore. I checked Pmp's release log for v.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Yeah, it will be disabled in Win10 going forward since V8 of Skype Desktop isn't supported.


I tried and noticed that v. 8 Skype desktop version can be installed on Win 10 if it's run as silent. :D

"Not supported" means in this case that if you download and install it regularly, it tells that you have to install it through MS Store and stops. But if it's run as silent, then it installs normally.

Your dear competitor Ninite also supports v.8 desktop installation on Win 10.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Quote from: Peace2000 on March 16, 2018, 06:45:30 PM
I tried and noticed that v. 8 Skype desktop version can be installed on Win 10 if it's run as silent. :D

"Not supported" means in this case that if you download and install it regularly, it tells that you have to install it through MS Store and stops. But if it's run as silent, then it installs normally.

Your dear competitor Ninite also supports v.8 desktop installation on Win 10.

That's interesting. We were using the default command line and it was still failing. Maybe there's an additional command like to skip the check. Either way, we will need to think about this one since it doesn't seem to be supported by Microsoft it may not be a great idea.


Just downloaded it here: https://go.skype.com/windows.desktop.download

And saved it into desktop, run a command via cmd (as admin):

C:\Users\'My user name'\Desktop\Skype- /silent

And that's it. :D

Well if normal Windows commands work on it I see no reason why not to support it.


Oh now I got it.

You were trying to use "verysilent"-switch(?) That does not work but silent works.


Verysilent works only if the setup file is also run in compatibility mode (tick Windows 8 or 7). Maybe this combination is the way how Ninite does it.