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Will not run silently

Started by HMWMCT, October 11, 2012, 08:57:09 AM

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I have been trying to use PatchMyPC.exe with the switches /s /update without luck.

Using the /s switch places the icon into the system tray, and it remains there indefinitely.

Using the /update switch alone seems to function as intended, however it does not create a system restore point, as I have selected within my options menu.

Using the /auto switch performs a system restore point, and then continues to update the system without issues.

My goal is to perform a PatchMyPC update using the /s and /update switches so that I can use my configured .reg file which includes creating a system restore point, and update the systems software and operating system, all done silently.

Any assistance is appreciated.


The OP and myself have been back and forth about this functionality in my own forums and after some testing, I think I can clear up a few things for the OP, and assist in helping the author fix the bug....

OP is using a importing a .REG file on clean systems with his preconfigured settings from PatchMyPC on the original machine.  The reg file sets the settings to skip certain apps and a few other bits...  Regfile as follows:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Patch My PC\Options]

PatchMyPC.exe is being run with the /auto /s /update parameters. 

The issue is that PatchMyPC appears as an icon in the system tray seemingly ignoring the /s, and it doesn't actually DO anything but sit there until you close it.  If you open the app and click on a few action items, it will spit out an error message that something cannot be used with the /auto switch, THEN and only THEN will it start to work. 

I've noted that if I remove the skip apps settings, and a few other things and pare it down to this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Then it actually works as intended.  I haven't done further experimentation to see exactly WHICH setting is causing the trouble.  It may be the skip <app> settings, or it may also be the minimize settings, or maybe the autorunwindowsupdate setting (which is redundant as I see when using the /update parameter, please correct me if I'm wrong...)

EDIT:  Actually I just tried it with the skip <apps> settings and it appears to be working as intended.  So it must be either the minimize settings or the autorunwindows update settings, which as stated appears to be redundant with the /update parameter - perhaps this could be the issue?  Either way, I'm sure this issue is resolved enough for the OP to do what he intended.

I'm pretty sure we can work around these issues utilizing my above reg file, if that is acceptable to the OP... but non-the-less it appears a bug is causing the hangup somewhere that the author may want to investigate.

Hope this helps. 

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

@ HMWMCT - I will work on getting this fixed. I verified Patch My PC does stay in the SYS tray when the minimize to system tray is checked (I work around would be uncheck the minimize to system tray when using the /s switch)

@ FoolishTech - You shouldn't use the /s and the /auto together /s is for silent mode /auto will show the program and automatically begin the updates


Quote from: Justin on October 11, 2012, 06:31:32 PM
@ HMWMCT - I will work on getting this fixed. I verified Patch My PC does stay in the SYS tray when the minimize to system tray is checked (I work around would be uncheck the minimize to system tray when using the /s switch)

@ FoolishTech - You shouldn't use the /s and the /auto together /s is for silent mode /auto will show the program and automatically begin the updates

Interesting -- it works anyway!!!  If I can be of any further assistance in testing let me know - great software btw!