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Access to path is denied

Started by trading10, April 27, 2017, 10:49:06 PM

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I install PatchMyPC downloader on every customer system I maintain, and always set the same options. "create restore points...', 'delete desktop shortcuts...', and 'kill applications automatically'.

I get this error message each time the Scheduled Task runs.

Currently, I have this error popping up on a fresh, fully updated, Windows 7 install, as well as multiple customer systems (mixture of Windows 7,8, and 10).  I have not figured out the cause, and have not found a solution in the forum.

Do you have any suggestions or advice?

Thank you for a truly wonderful, hugely time-saving project.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Are there any instances in patchmypc.exe in the background or do you have that text file open.


I have noticed that when this error message appears and I click 'quit', patchmypc.exe remains running in the background, but no cpu usage.  The file size in memory appears to shrink slowly if I watch it in Task Manager.

If I kill the process, and then open Task Scheduler to re-run the task manually, I get the same error message.

The text file in C:\ is not open by me, and I do not see Notepad or Word running in the background indicating that the file is open.

Eric (Patch My PC)

We have now moved the log file to the temp folder, so this should no longer have the problems previous versions had with writing to the C drive.