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Silent mode not completing when there are Google Chrome updates...

Started by SnakeByte, January 28, 2016, 11:19:34 AM

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When running PatchMyPc in silent mode, I've ran into a problem where the google chrome updater runs, and then, apparently, never completes.  This causes the PatchMyPc executable to wait forever and not complete the updates for the rest of the programs running.

It's possible this is happening because I have the "enterprise" version of Google Chrome loaded.  AFAIK, the only way to silently install Google Chrome on a computer is to use their enterprise installer: (http://dl.google.com/edgedl/chrome/install/GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi)  with the /quiet /norestart switches.

Is the problem with the patchmypc updater related to this type of installation?  Can we get PatchMyPc to install this version of chrome for updates instead of how it's doing things now?  There would be no prompting for information during the update, as I suspect is what is happening here.

Justin Chalfant (Patch My PC)

Can you send me the log file on the root of C:\

Quote from: SnakeByte on January 28, 2016, 11:19:34 AM
When running PatchMyPc in silent mode, I've ran into a problem where the google chrome updater runs, and then, apparently, never completes.  This causes the PatchMyPc executable to wait forever and not complete the updates for the rest of the programs running.

It's possible this is happening because I have the "enterprise" version of Google Chrome loaded.  AFAIK, the only way to silently install Google Chrome on a computer is to use their enterprise installer: (http://dl.google.com/edgedl/chrome/install/GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi)  with the /quiet /norestart switches.

Is the problem with the patchmypc updater related to this type of installation?  Can we get PatchMyPc to install this version of chrome for updates instead of how it's doing things now?  There would be no prompting for information during the update, as I suspect is what is happening here.

Omar (Patch My PC)