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PatchMyPC WSUS KB vs 3rd party updates

Started by louisegull, July 12, 2024, 01:19:32 AM

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I'm using PatchMyPC with WSUS to deploy third-party updates to our servers. However, I have an issue where updates for applications like 7zip are bundled together with KB/security updates. This means that I have to install all updates rather than just the specific third-party update.
How to install only the third-party updates outside the maintenance window?
Thanks in advance

Adam Cook (Patch My PC)

Quote from: louisegull on July 12, 2024, 01:19:32 AMHello,
I'm using PatchMyPC with WSUS to deploy third-party updates to our servers. However, I have an issue where updates for applications like 7zip are bundled together with KB/security updates. This means that I have to install all updates rather than just the specific third-party update.
How to install only the third-party updates outside the maintenance window?
Thanks in advance

Hi louisegull,

I'm struggling a little to understand what you're asking.

Would it be possible to schedule a call so you can show me in a screenshare?