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Intune Update Updating Failed: Adobe Acrobat DC Continuous Update 23.008.20555

Started by JImmy_O, February 28, 2024, 12:14:14 AM

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The hash of file downloaded is different than the file hash in our catalog. Hash errors happen when vendors release updates that aren't available in our catalog yet. This error should be resolved in the next catalog update. It could also have been induced by a firewall issue. Additional details:[qQ6Ki1uw6vUAK6JNlZb3y30QrA0=] vs [o7ffhYWlMXvpYoPklinPQbYLiMk=]

It´s been like this since monday.

Also seeing DigestFailed

Scott (Patch My PC)

Hey @Jimmy_O

This looks to be a CDN issue from Adobe. We've had a few customers report this issue, and have been able to reproduce the issue internally in some regions, but not in others.

Unfortunately, this is largely out of our control and is up to Adobe to resolve, however, we do have a temporary fix you could use if you wish.

We've uploaded the correct file to our Sharepoint, here - https://patchmypc-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/p/liviu/EV32YN8M6m5IvZOS45lFCKEB0joZrATHFmJsWRGb1CbZNw?e=ZAueQr

You can place this file in your local content repository, which will allow the Publisher to create that update for you - https://patchmypc.com/local-content-repository-for-licensed-applications-that-require-manual-download